yeah, i guess this is another one... sorry. not! :o)

May 12, 2003 09:34

-- Name: Marilu oooh
-- Birthdate: April 11, 1986
-- Birthplace: General Hospital in Mt. Clemens. My mom's whole lower half fell asleep before she gave birth to me... about 8 hours of labor later, i headed out.. ah!
-- Current Location: somewhere over the rainbow... clinton twp, Mi
-- Eye Color: green, brown, and sometimes hazel too.
-- Hair Color: brown, hoping for some black someday to just show up though.. if i drink enough chocolate milk maybe perhaps
-- Height: a million and 3 inches
-- Righty or Lefty: most of the time righty, but i can make words with both hands
-- Zodiac Sign: aries, i'm a stubborn ram i guess is what that means. I'm also a dreamer, but it doesn't say that... yet.

-- Your heritage: Belgium, German, French and Polish. I fought against myself in world war 2.
-- The shoes you wore today: being the poor lass that i am, i wore my sneakers today, as i do everyday. except for when i get to wear my pretty red mary jane imposters *swoon* they are beautiful.
-- Your weakness: uh oh.. cheesecake! and a boy with a flower.
-- Your fears: are you afraid of the dark?
-- Your perfect pizza: mm pineapple! gimme a thick crust and that delicious fruit, and you're one step closer to my heart.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: my absolute DREAM is to open a coffee house-bar/independent record store. Ruling the world is so overrated

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: :) and haha. although i have to say, "it happens" is quite a common diddy. along with "the other day a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater made me breakfast" its so overdone.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: what did i forget to do last night?
-- Your best physical feature: i <3 my little finger. haha. its almost my BEST FRIEND! like we're attached at a joint or something.. :)
-- Your bedtime: who sleeps these days? i hunt ghosts at night...
-- Your most missed memory: swinging on the swings at the elementary school by me for hours when i was young. I went every day for about 5 years, up until 2 years ago. I used to write *blah* poetry from time to time, and with my grandpa's awesome camera i took a gazillion pictures. ..heaven.. :(

-- Pepsi or Coke: mt. dew baby
-- MC$donald's or Burger King: ooh BK ALL THE WAY
-- Single or group dates: uh, any date with you will do :)
-- Adidas or Nike: hmm. nike only because of Gabe!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: mmmm.. how about GREEN TEA!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla ALL the way
-- Cappuccino or coffee: are you kidding?! EITHER OR! i invented coffee mother fucker.

-- smoke: only if i want to die. sick.
-- Curse: fuck no! ;) it's official, despite my amazing no cavity rockin streak, this mouth is so dirty.
-- Sing: oh oh, do i?! in the shower only. well not only, but the preferred place of exuting musical notes with my voice bizox.
-- Take a shower everyday: i never shower! muah ha ha ha ha. yeah, just about every day.
-- Have a crush (es): oh... well.. um, maybe a little bit, kind of yes, sort of uh huh.. maybe a little.. uh... heh.. yeah.
-- Do you think you've been in love: mmmm probably not. i think love hates me!
-- Want to go to college: i wint to go to callige sumdae reel soon beecuz i thinc that i em smert anuff for Hardverd even.
-- Like high school: i don't like the people in highschool
-- Want to get married: um, maybe yes :) but its kind of scary.
-- Believe in yourself: do you believe in life after love? i don't believe in Cher. I'd rather meet the devil.
-- Get motion sickness: only when my head is spinning.
-- Think you're attractive: maybe to the mice
-- Think you're a health freak: i was the biggest health nut for about 3 years. my life centers around video games, coffee and tea now. you tell me.
-- Get along with your parents: my mom is my best friend, my dad helps me find fun shirts. i love them both. and my dad is the coolest because he has the best record collection in the world, and likes music too.. aww.
-- Like thunderstorms: i live for them
-- Play an instrument: i play a few. when i have lots of money, i hope to broaden my instrumental horizon some day... ah fuck that, where is the nearest taco bell?

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: noooope
-- Smoked: ewe no
-- Done a drug: if love is a drug baby. no.
-- Had Sex: nu-uh
-- Made Out: negatory
-- Gone on a date: i resort to giving secret flowers because i'm way to chicken to ever talk to a boy like that. i'm horrible at doing those things. what a shame.
-- Gone to the mall? ah! i <3 the coffee beanery. mmmmmmmmm
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: yesterday! yay!
-- Eaten sushi: ah! california rolls. i was thinking about it.. but i'm too scared. no no, i WILL do this!
-- Been on stage: woah woah, i almost have! i stuttered my brains out for the variety show. *mental note: do not try to talk and think at the same time when hundreds of people are watching you.. scary*
-- Been dumped: like a smelly bag of trash. nope.
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: ingredients that matter: 1 tbsp sugar. ingredients Marilu puts into cookies, 1 tbsp SALT. i can't bake, or cook. this is an apology in advance to anyone i marry.
-- Gone skinny dipping: ..don't make me blush!..oh my.
-- Dyed your hair: uh, no i never have. don't know why really, i kind of want some black highlights in it, refer to the aforementioned "chocolate milk operation" but don't tell people, its kind of covert.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: uno, bowling, and blackjack. watch out, shirts are a flyin.
-- If so, was it mixed company: um.. it was a few people.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: ah! almost once, but no.
-- Been caught " doing something ": what does "doing something" entale?
-- Been called a tease: haha, yeah but probably in a different way than what this question stipulates.
-- Gotten beaten up: my brother beats me up all the time. in 6th grade i beat up this kid at the bus stop... he was such a cock jaw. still is. some people never change.
-- Shoplifted: when i was a wee little tot, i took a neon hair band. it was God's gift to hair. I LOVED IT! but i couldn't have ice cream later that night because my mom was mad.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: yeah, i act like Grover when I hang out with the Sesame Street gang.. he's so cool. :p :)
-- Age you hope to be married: um, maybe whenever the time is right. i don't have a set age...
-- Numbers and Names of Children: children! save them for the soup! i mean, um.. oh. I want two or three i think. maybe some adoptions? that would be nice. i like the name Beevus. :)
-- Describe your dream wedding: it had better be fun. that is ALL i have to say.
-- How do you want to die: 5 o'clock, AND 10 o'clock news. Plus a space in the ticker scroll thing on CNN. I'm goin out with a BANG.
-- Where you want to go to college: i always wanted to go to NYU for the performing arts, a dream i probably will never fulfill. if i get a full ride to wayne state, then hello dolly. If not, central for a business degree here i come. a music business degree? perhaps, perhaps.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a tye dyed shirt. but that may never happen (one can only hope to aspire to such a level). i want to be an entrepeneur, only hold the finances please, thanks. publicity is where its at.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Scotland/Ireland are BEAUTIFUL. woooow. France is also amazing. Mhmm.

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? oh... mm i'm all about green or brown. i'm not big on the ice blue, they kind of make me cold. as long as they're looking my way though, anything will do :)
-- Best hair color? nothing BLONDE! ewe! dark and mysterious.
-- Short or long hair: um, doesnt matter really. way long kind of freaks me out. GIMME A MULLET! no no, short will do :)
-- Height: um, i'm about 5'4" and so something above that would be just swell!
-- Best weight: mmmm nice and porky :p i don't like too many muscles, so someone thin and skinny. those are the cutest.
-- Best articles of clothing: oh t-shirts and zip up hoodies. or even maybe a scarf/sweater! woo! :) boys are so fun.
-- Best first date location: um, somewhere spontaneous woah! how about an arcade... ooh no. how about going to mcdonalds and then doing something we both are bad at, its more fun that way :).
-- Best first kiss location: i don't think it matters. just as long as you want those lips pressed against yours... :)

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: oh about a gazillion and one..............................below zero
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: i'm not quite sure.
-- Number of C$ds you own: a million times infinity! who could even count!
-- Number of piercings: only a few, I hope for more.
-- Number of tattoos: none.. yet? mm i'm not sure :-\
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? oh more than once! only not more than 10 probably. i think they only list you once under america's most wanted, right?
-- Number of scars on my body: oh gosh, i was a little tom boy growing up, so probably in the ballpark of a million and a half.
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