I"MSORRRRYY I was board

Jun 01, 2005 15:13

I know it's stupid but I was board! and well my life isn't interesting enough to put on the internet!

laYER ONE: On the Outside
- Name: Katharyn Christine Schonfeld Alexander
- Nickname: Starletta, star, Trooper, Mamma, Kate, Katie, Starfulls
- Birth date: March 15,1985
- Birthplace: Detroit
- Current Location: Crofton, Maryland
- Eye Color: brown
- Hair Color: brown
- Height: 5’7.
- Righty or Lefty: Righty
- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
- Your heritage: Neapolitan-black, white and native american
- The shoes you wore today: havn’t put on shoes yet
- Who you look like: ummm don’t really have one
- Your weakness: Children
- Your fears: snakes
- Your perfect pizza: really really chessey
- Goal you'd like to achieve: start a family

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
- Your most overused phrase on IM: I heart you
- Your thoughts first waking up: do I really have to move?
- Your best physical feature: My smile
- Your bedtime: 3-4am
- Your most missed memory: camp

- Pepsi or Coke: don’t care
- McDonalds or Burger King: don’t care
- Single or group dates: ummmmm
- Adidas or Nike: payless
- Chocolate or vanilla: I’m a girl chocolate of course
- Cappuccino or coffee: depends on how tiered I am

- Smoke: nope
- Cuss: hell, fucking yeah
- Sing: not that you want to hear
- Have a crush: Yes, he makes my heart go pitter patter
- Think you've been in love: Nope
- Like high school: hated it
- Want to get married: sure y not
- Believe in yourself: depends
- Get motion sickness: nope
- Think you're attractive: some days
- Think you're a health freak: no at all
- Get along with your parents: as long as we don’t see each other
- Like thunderstorms: love them
- Play an instrument: Nope

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
- Drank alcohol: West Virginia was interesting
- Smoked: Nope
- Done a drug: Never
- Gone to the mall: yup but had no money to buy anything how depressing
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
- Eaten sushi: yup
- Been on stage: no
- Gone skating: I can’t walk with out falling NO one would put me on skates
- Gone skinny dipping: not in the last six months
- Dyed your hair: nope
- Stolen anything: Nope

- Played a game that required removal of all clothing: yeah but I got to keep most of mine one (don’t mess with me in gin)
- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah what can I say
- Puked from alcohol: for the first time 3 weeks ago…Not a big fan
- Been called a tease: all the time
- Gotten beaten up: nope
- Shoplifted: Not that I can remember

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
- Age you hope to be married: we will see.
- Numbers and Names of Children: at least 2 and so far their names are Boy: Kenyon Carter, Girl: Cordelia Elizabeth Jane
- Describe your dream wedding: Cheap
- How do you want to die: peacefully
- What do you want to be when you grow up: A teacher in Detroit…yes I have a death wish
- What country would you most like to visit: England

LAYER NINE: In a partner
- Best eye color: brown are my fav. But some ppl have beautiful blue eyes
- Hair color: Brown
- Short or long hair: short
- Height: at least 5’9
- Weight: bigger then me
- Best articles of clothing: Boxers

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
- Number of drugs taken illegally: NONE unless you are talking about alcohol
- Number of people I could trust with my life: ummm…none…but 1 is closest
- Number of CDs that I own: I don’t know
- Number of piercing: 3, hopefully 4
- Number of tattoos: none…but I want one
- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: about 4
- Number of things in my past that I regret: Never do anything that you would regret or regret anything you do
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