So, y'know, fog is pretty. It's also fucking CREEPY, but something about fog and woods makes me happy, for all it makes me think I'm about to be killed by something supernatural and really fucking scary.
When I went to work this morning (only to realise that I'm not even SCHEDULED today, upon finding out which, I came straight home to level my psychopathic gnome. Or, really, to do quests and kill things for loot so I can hit 300g and get her flying, but that's SO not the point), it was a little foggy in the low areas, but as we're on top of a hill, we were pretty much fog-less. This was about three hours ago. I glanced outside about 10 minutes ago because it wasn't as light as I'd expected, what with the clear sky and stars when I'd come in at 5.
This is what I saw:
Seriously. That is the view from our living room.
I whined a bit to myself about not having a nice camera (that is a dream of mine - one day, I will have a professional-quality camera, so I can take awesome pictures of things like THIS), but I grabbed Donna and her built-in webcam, and ran outside to see how pretty it was and snap a couple more pictures.
The view from our driveway. You can see where Koschei's parked before down in the bottom right.
The creepy storage barn behind our house.
The field where we let Ace run when it's not too muddy.
Keep in mind that these don't look NEARLY as foggy as it does in real life. Something about it isn't CREEPY, though, just... lonely. All the leafless trees and the fog and the quiet. It's not at ALL a creepy quiet and fog, it's... friendly, almost. Just sad. I dunno, it's just lovely, and I'm SO glad I didn't actually have work today, and that I thought I did so that I'd be up, and just... YES.
Also, I need a "pretty things" icon. THIS WILL DO IN THE MEANTIME.
ETA: And of course now that I look at the pictures more, I keep swearing I see something that might be Slender Man. *headdesk* I just want to enjoy the pretty!