Aug 16, 2009 03:55

SO. Now that this has been discussed with the appropriate parties before the Big Reveal... Announcementing time!

Aubrey and I, after much deliberation (and quite a bit of regret, as we adore living near the lovely Jaqui) have decided to move again. Second move in less than a year, alas, but due to certain things, we've decided that another move will be best for us. SO! At the beginning of October, we are packing up our things, sedating Wednesday Michaelcat (he yowls), and driving back to the east coast. Up north, this time, to Ithaca, NY, and the lovely Caroline, Pat, and Jae.

Jae, by the way, is the most brilliant darling DEAR, as she is offering as much help all of her own accord that she really doesn't have to. So, yeah. Bow down to the epic wonderfulness of jaeled.

Anyone in the Valley who wants to see us before we take off, be sure to get hold of us ASAP so we can set it up. :) I'm very sad to be leaving certain parts of this town (Come As You Are and my Repo peeps being a big part of it, as well as the lovely Jaqui), but in the end, this just isn't the place for us.

Hopefully Ithaca will be.

RIGHT going to go pass out now, kthxbye

*|aubrey, life, moving, family, ithaca got snow, friends, *|michaelcat, *|jackie, *|jae

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