I hate my dog

May 14, 2009 11:51

No, really. I hate my dog.

So we put her in the crate, so we could go out, get some food, and make appointments for massages. We were gone maybe an hour and a half.

We come back, and the dog has shat in her crate. I go to the office to see if we can borrow a hose. Apparently, we can't. We lock the cat up in the bathroom, open the bedroom, closet, and front doors and windows, and I drive to the hardware store for a hose. Get back, change into a swimsuit, take the dog and crate out into the grass and hose them off thoroughly. Go dive in the pool for a few minutes to cool down.

Hate things forever. Will have to put her back in crate when we go for our massages in an hour and a half. On upside, will get a massage, and a day and a half puppy-free, when we drive to Cali tomorrow. Going to Tammy's signing in Pasedena on Saturday. WOOHOO! Tomorrow, must take dog to vet's (she's boarding there), take car to mechanic's for oil change, and take car to car wash. Tonight, must clean trash out of car.

Going to go put together the dog's crate and try not to cry from the sheer effort of moving.


ETA: I have written a sonnet, however, (for an RP TAG, no less) and it's gotten me into a weird poetry mood. *ponders sestinae(sestinas?) and virelais...*

|author: tammy pierce, |rp: beyond the rift, *|aubrey, *|simba, *|ace-baby, bad fucking day, |fandom: tortall

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