Nov 18, 2007 18:47
what a lazy freakin day. i feel so sluggish, but i guess i'm ok with that. last night greg had a gig in dayton and i partied a little too hard. i met up with lauren, who lives up there now, and we partied like the good ole days. the night ended with me hitting some asshole with my shoe and stealing a book from the bar's bookshelf (i know, weird, right?) by stowing it away in greg's bag.
i wasn't hungover this morning; just super tired. we didn't get back until about 5 am, and i slept til 11, which isn't a whole lot of sleep. i hate how i don't sleep very much when i have a lot to drink. i usually do an intense workout on sunday mornings but i didn't really feel like it today. greg and i just lazed around, watched the last 2 episodes of the sopranos (so sad it's over), and went to dinner.
tomorrow i am getting dinner/drinks with destiny from TQL. she is one awesome girl and i miss her a lot.
i will also be starting at humana in a week...kinda scary to think about, but cool, too. i've enjoyed my time off, but i am definitely looking forward to having more stuff occupy my time.
my post-concert withdrawl has withered considerably in the last couple days...i seriously hate that feeling. it's all good now though, but i miss having shows to look forward to!
this is one of my favorite pearl jam songs, for sure. it's so weird and eerie, despite it being somewhat of a love song. riot act is SOOOOO grossly underrated, imo.
ok i am RAMBLING like crazy so i am gonna catch up on my friends list and step away from the computer...