Dec 02, 2005 00:35
AMAZING. no lie. one question.. how the HELL did we pull that show off?! after ONE full run-through? something doesnt make sense!it went alomst flawless.. the lightboard (of course)acted u.) but definintly wasnt meghan or kathleens fault. it was so much fun. it went by way too fast too... p again.. house lights wouldnt turn off, the numbers went random, and of course the lights flickeredi got a lot of compliemnts on my WHo hair lol ok favoirte quote from the night ... scotty looking in the mirror... "im a .. (he gets all into it) a lesbian. then bursts out laughing. lmao. apparently if your a guy and you can look in the mirror saying im a lesbian without laughing.. then u dont have enough makeup on. no seriously tho.. it was hilarious..... ok i practically fell asleep so this entry will be continuted at a later date...