Jun 25, 2009 19:07
I feel terrible. My gaming drive has absolutely disappeared off the face of the planet. I don't know what happened to it, and I keep leaving people hanging. This is ridiculous. Even Del's loss isn't getting me into it again. I played more when I was 9 hours off from the rest of everybody else DX
In other news, got to go down to LA and see friends. It was a blast. Also been catching up in my TV watching, and rereading the Dresden Files. Fantastic books, by the way. Everyone should read them, they're really interesting.
And I got a kitten! She's so cute. And evil. And cute. She tries to jump on my face while I sleep. A little annoying, I'll admit, but still... She's s purring, fuzzy ball of cuddles. An sweet~
pointless post is pointless,