Nov 21, 2004 20:01
today seemed to be such a long day.
and today, when i was taking a nap.i had the worst...flashback i guess you could say. it was from my car accident. it was horrible i was reliving EVERYTHING. the crash and twist of metal. but not knowing what happend simply i was ignorant to the fact, and looking out the right window. i remember not feeling any pain at first, just light headed. i didnt know i was bleeding. until it fell all around me. running, then sitting, and running..then shirts, and more blood. the cop who didnt talk to me. rhonda screaming. nate freaking out. leland running with his cyst that exploded in his knee. calling my parents, but being totally calm on the phone. then the paramedics arriving "your going to be okay" [i didnt think there was a problem to where iwouldnt be okay] and then i was in the hospital, with a sheet over my face, and the sting of the numbing shots. the water that was cold and made my skull shiver. the pulling of the stiches. the imaginary pain. the pressure of the staples. then, i woke up. i was in tears and holding on to my head. i dont know why i got such a bad flashback, so violently and suddenly. all at the same time. its been two years. maybe because its been bothering me lately? one may never know.
then, whoo!!! i had the joy of cleaning my room, my art/comp room, and my bathroom! amazing, no?
ryan called me and was like 'we gotta shoot our PSA.' it went well i think. we used mara's little brother eric. friggin cute.
then i did my intro video. it blew, but whatever, i dont care about that class! i'm going on hiatus!
i played with my new photo shop. and i re-did my pic..decided to do some GS pics as well. it was fun.
that damn BC is making me go up and down. piece o shit.
anyone want to take me to see john mayer?
i'm not ready for tomorrow. musical try-outs are the week after the pantomime show. i've decided, i dont care anymore. and that i'm not going to assistant direct because i seriously just want to dance. i wish there were 'ragamuffin' type people in once upon a mattress.
(let me be the one to steal your stars)