Meme thing - post the first sentence of the first entry for each month of 2008 (excluding memes, of course).
January: i am almost back from Belgium!
February: i feel the need to post a bit on here.
March: i went to nottingham on thursday/friday for the Dutch Student Day, met pretty much ALL the students of dutch in the UK and Ireland.
April: stuff's been a-happening.
May: people can be so hard to read sometimes.
June: a lot's been happening recently, but have been too busy to update about it.
July: i've been up to a fair bit since my last post but haven't really felt like writing about it too much.
August: i'm in Frankfurt again (minus hookers, thank fuck)
September: Today has been hella interesting (considering how hella boring it's been of late).
October: I went swimming again yesterday with Lei and it was well good.
November: Today, Dear Readers, I baked my first ever pie.
December: um, well, not posted anything yet!! will edit to include it when i do (probably later today)