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there should be an option for "summary" vs. "full text". I don't know where it is, but it's got to be there somewhere.
LJ's rss stuff returns exactly what's in the feed, so you can either test it that way, or get some feedreader for your computer and check that way. I don't know if you're still on a mac, but Vienna is free if so. I don't know the URL though.
I always assumed it was livejournal's rss stuff that made the articles only partial ones.
LJ's rss stuff returns exactly what's in the feed, so you can either test it that way, or get some feedreader for your computer and check that way. I don't know if you're still on a mac, but Vienna is free if so. I don't know the URL though.
I guess this means I have to learn xml and manually edit the feed.
icabod helped. :)
I've googled and some people claim that it doesn't, and that this feature is buggy...
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