Feb 10, 2006 01:00
I got out of school and went to the grocery store to get some hair gel and milk. I ended buying the big milk because it was cheaper than the little milk and my walk home sucked. When I got home I found a bunch of awesome books downstairs for free. I picked up a couple of books on orchestration and music theory and also vietnamese phrasebook...that was mostly for eliza.
So after carrying all of that shit I don't want to move. I had a yummy yummy dinner of iranian food my mom froze for me last week. Also I made a great salad because lately I have been eating nothing but pizza and cookies and it has made me really lazy and tired.
Megan is at a party right now and she called me and told me that everyone is wearing suits. I asked her why and she said that it was a dress up party. What are we 5 years old. Why do we have to throw a seperate party just for dressing up. Why can't we just dress up at any party. I hate Chicago.
So I have just found out that Harrison Ford is 63 years old. That's nuts. He's so handsome...I would totally do him. He doesn't look a day over 50...I'm not kidding.