The story continues...

Jan 03, 2010 09:17

So, here goes another one of these posts.... 2, (well actually 3, including the one that got eaten on my iPod earlier) in 3 days, a new record for me, lol.

Right, so Tom and I went out for dinner last night and then he came back to mine for a bit. We had a really good time and I did really enjoy myself. By the end I may have been a bit drunk, but that's not the point. He was really lovely and is so easy to talk to and we do get on really well. I enjoy his company and he's a nice guy. So that's all the positives but it's not all as simple as that....

You see my problem with all this is that I don't think I fancy him. He's just not my type and I don't see how things could get serious or long-term. Something is missing. But at the same time, it makes me happy being with someone again. I know I'm being selfish and that I'm sort of using him to make me feel better, which is horrible. What makes it not so bad, is that I'm sure he's not over his ex yet and in all likelihood is using me too. I know two wrongs don't make a right and that someone, possibly me or worse, him, is going to get hurt.

So basically I don't know what to do, as either way now I lose :( If I don't see him again, I'm all alone again and weirdly I think I'll miss him but if I carry on seeing him, it'll keep me temporarily happy but for the wrong reasons and will probably end badly. This kind of thing has happened with other guys I've dated, in truth there's only been one guy who I've truly ever cared about and been in love with. With every other guy there has been 'something' missing. Not that the guy I loved was perfect, in fact, far from it, but yet I loved him and sadly still do.

I think I do tend to over-complicate things and I definitely think way too much about things. But why are things never simple? :/

I think I wrote this better this morning, funnily enough when I was less awake, but damn LJ app for iPod messed the entry up and didn't save it. Won't be using that again!
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