The things you find while running...

Jun 05, 2013 22:24

After work I popped by Old Navy-- it's just two stops from School B. I got a pair of shorts, an eye mask, and..... a bikini. This is huge because it is the first bikini I have EVER bought in my whole entire life. I thought it looked kinda cute when I tried it on, but I was still a little nervous. Later that evening I put it on and showed RooG, and he said I looked really good. :-D I'll post pics one of these days, I promise.

I came home and went running. The stupid knee pain came back, this time in both knees. D: But I was pushing through and even enjoying myself, until about 20 minutes in, I saw a funny-looking shiny rock on the ground. I looked down, and.. it was a turtle!!!!!!

What in god blazes is a baby turtle doing walking down a busy street??? I couldn't just leave him there. I briefly considered leaving him at the river, but that didn't feel right either. I called RooG and he said to take him home. So I did.

It was kinda bad timing because I was pretty far out there, and I felt like it'd be cruel to run with him in my hand, so I walked and it took a half hour to get home. :P He's REALLY strong and kept pushing my fingers apart trying to get free... gahh! But I managed to get him home in one piece.

Later we went to Petfarm and got this turtle starter kit. And now he's chillin' in his new home.

We still haven't given him a name... I suggested Runny (heh) but RooG vetoed that because, according to him, it sounds too much like Lannister, and he hates the Lannisters. Hmm.

Going back to running, I only ran for about fifteen minutes today, and hours later, my legs feel like they've been beaten with baseball bats. D: I really like running, but maybe 35-40 minutes three times a week just isn't something my body wants to do (not yet, anyway). I think I'll cut back to twice a week and see how that goes.

That means that I won't complete the C25K training in time for Warrior Dash, but... honestly, I think running the Warrior Dash is something I can do. I don't know how WELL I can do it, but I think I CAN do it. :)

Time for CSI: NY.

running, fitness results, injuries, tv, fitness, health, pets

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