This was a fun weekend! Yesterday we went to this awesome drinking party, followed by karaoke. The festivities continued until around 1:30 AM, but since it was held in our neighborhood, we could just walk home. :D Everyone else had to take a taxi, so we lucked out in that regard. It was LOTS of fun!
Post-dinner carnage:
Today Sayaka and Tomo met us for lunch at Sathi, the Indian buffet we go to pretty much every weekend. They serve a delicious spread and it costs 960 yen. Delicious and cheap and filling, can't go wrong!! We hadn't seen Sayaka and Tomo since November of last year (!!), so it was good to see them and get caught up.
In nerd news, I'm hopelessly addicted to Candy Crush Saga on iPhone. So is RooG-- he has games going on both his iPhone AND our iPad. I'm stuck on level 45.....
In further news, I officially retired Assassin's Creed II. I finished all the story missions and other important stuff, like Subject 16 puzzles and assassin tombs and templar lairs and whatnot. And did a WHOLE bunch of extra missions too, but I still only reached 85% completion. Oh well. I'm ready to move on.
I was kinda disappointed in ACII. It felt really repetitive to me at times, and the story wasn't anything special. The ending was anticlimactic and lame. Maybe I was just expecting too much... after months of reading comments on the internet like "OMG CONNOR SUX! EZIO IS TEH BEST ASASIN!!11" I was expecting Ezio to be this amazing, well-developed character... but he's just a puppet to hang a lame, basic revenge story onto.
But yes, yes, I know what you're about to say! Ezio's story is far from over! There are still TWO more games!
So I started this!
I played the first 30 minutes or so last night, and already I like it a LOT better than ACII. Combat has been improved from the mindless button-mashing of the last game, and the graphics are WAY better. New villain looks interesting too. I am excite!
.... but of course I will be dropping Brotherhood like a hot potato come Tuesday, when the last episode of the ACIII DLC comes out. I have a feeling this'll be the last thing they ever do with Connor.... ;____; I really really really really hope Haytham's in it, too.
Me at Kua 'Aina. OM NOM
RooG at El Torito. OM NOM