The Hogwarts Bunch Blanket

Dec 24, 2010 21:13

Remember these guys from aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago?!?!
Guess what....

Please scuse the blood red sweaty face - it’s a balmy 30+ degrees or so here in Australia and it’s a REALLY EFFECTIVE BLANKET~~!! Phew!!!

I still need to crochet a couple of rounds as the joins have slid up a little bit, but to be completely honest with you, trying to do that in 30+ heat is beyond a joke so it can friggin wait!!!
As you can see the thing is HUUUUUUUGE and covers my parents QUEEN SIZED BED quite comfortably!! Mine is only a double, so had to steal there’s for the photoshoot -_^!
I started this project on the 23rd July, 2009 and I gotta tell you, I am so stoked with it!!
I will have more photos and of course the all important tutorials on how I went about turning the panels into one massive arse blanket on my website in the next week or so if anyone is interested ( -_^!
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