I've decided to bring back in effect... "Courtney's Non-Sensical Ramble"
Today's topic: having to plan out your life at 15. who cares, and who doesn't.
So let's get started shall we?
I'm sitting here... in the middle of doing a careers assignment about me.
what the hell do i care about my skills or my personality and how it can relate to my future?!
i dont find careers assignments helpful at all.
i didnt "find myself"
i knew me before the stupid class.
its supposed to be a personal, self-discovery type class...
yet i'm failing, cuz i didnt hand in a project that i now have to re-do differently!
i know why im getting a 41... but really... why?
is it cuz no one cares about the damn course and i show it the most?
thats the only reason they give assignments in careers anyway.
not for us but for them.
because school is about marks.
Last semester mr.bahl told me that he didnt care about marks.
he just wanted to teach.
THAT is a passionate teacher.
I get that all teachers like to teach... but its for marks
and we learn and work for marks.
marks. marks. marks.
thats it.
but marks are dumb.
people get so upset over them, so stressed.
and its the dumbest thing EVER!
i admit i get upset with marks... i do.
i admit it. i freak out.
even in pointless subjects like careers.
because i have been taught that a bad mark, is a stupid person.
my parents didnt teach me this.
school taught me this shit.
and friends taught me not to care at all.
there is no in between!!!
i either dont give a shit... or i care too much about marks.
its DUMB.
i find school a little overrated..
when i think about it... really.
its a bunch of kids imprisoned and taught to think certain ways, and taught methods that they will never use again.
and the guards in the prison just shut up and go along with whatever the warden and the board of prison officials say.
they know this shit is stupid, but they love the inmates and they want them to get have a good time.
for the record... im still talking about school.
the moral of the story is... school needs to change its ways.
That was episode #2 (or is it 3) of "Courtney's Non-Sensical Ramble" (with some sense.)
oh and for those who care? (i dunno.. u might).. there are baseball tryouts on thursday after school for the girls baseball team. cool.
im out.. to work on this stupid shit.