Jan 26, 2005 08:26
I wish it wasnt snowing. I have not been the biggest fan of snow as of late. It makes me sad because i know im stuck here. It's nice to not go to school every now and then but this is the 4th day ive missed in 2 weeks, all of those days (plus one weekend) i was stuck in the house alone. Bad things happen when im alone...
I think when im alone....
I had the plague last week. In reality it was strep throat but i felt like i was going to die, there were a good 3 days when swallowing was pure agony. It sucked. I did lose 10 pounds though, so it wasnt all bad. Since then i have become a hardcore water adict. My food/drink of choice is ice water. Last night i woke up 3 times to get more water. Who does that?
John has mono, the poor thing has similar symptoms to me but they're worse, hes been like this for almost a week. I havent gone to see him (what an awful non-girlfriend i am) but i have all intentions of doing so hopefully tomorrow. I was going to last night but they made me cover an hour of John's shift along with my 3 hours. I had one kid throw up and another get a bloody nose. It was grand.
As a side note, Rascal Flatts just came on and it made me smile :)
I am up, and have been since like 8 and i dont have school today, whats up with that? insanity.
Those are the main reasons i havent updated lately, mostly the plague, which i am still not 100% better from. What a loser.
OH! Yeah, i should probably write about this.
Dan came by the other night. Yeah, that Dan. I had been laying on the couch for about 24 hours straight. He called and said hey, want company? So i threw on some clothes and made myself not-scary looking. We sat on my couch for almost 3 hours, just talking and watching TV. It had been almost 3 years since he'd been in my house. It was nice to have him there again, it made it feel a little more like home. He still feels like home. Then he kissed me. Its been over a year since that happened. I dont even know what to say about that. For part of me it hurt, for part it felt so good. I dont know which part is bigger.
Has he called?
No. Of course not.
Will he?
In a few months maybe.
I think ill go lay around until i have to call Edward, or until i die.