Apr 07, 2006 20:30
well- its been a while since ive written
been super nutty for the last several months
i moved from palo alto to san francisco
outer sunset near the beach and the park
ive got a massage room downstairs and heated watsu therapy pool in the back yard
live with two very cool gentlemen and just keep busy
super busy with classes, patients, patience, being teaching assistance for a class on psych drugs, tutoring statistics, teaching meditation, practicing medical qi gong, commuting, preparing for a ritual fire in the mojave desert with a bunch of magi, doing a lot of psytrance, and seeing faces i adore and phases that would rather have me forget them-
went to the beach on sunday and was reminded how the mayans created the unvierse and how god leaves his fingerprint on all of creation
thought id say hi and send my love to members of my livejournal family that ive neglected for so long