God, I'm a dork. I need to post these here too:
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v313/Trina-Chan/Sakura-Con/2009/ YEAH, I HAD FUN. Let's do it again sometime. 8D
...man, I need more friends for awesome cosplay groups. I keep finding the group of Soul Eater cosplayers I kept running into, and the only reason there's more pictures of them is cause they had more people. >=X Sara and I were conspiring for next time, I said we should go with the School Outfits Ohkubo keeps drawing them in. (
http://www.animepaper.net/gallery/scans/Soul-Eater/item228660/ may be hard to see at a high compy res), and have their normal outfits as well. Only problem with that is the amount of people. It sound like Sam, Brie and Dalton were conspiring some FMA thing so I dunno if we could rope them in or not. =/ and It's not like anyone else would do it since about 90% (or so) of anime fanbases ONLY WATCH THE ANIME, which said outfits don't exist. hur hur hur, I'm a genius doing something Manga-Only. 8D
/end rant GO LOOK AT MAH/SARA'S PICTURES. why are they so blurrryyy. orz I need a real camera.