Welcome to our first school log! It is entirely optional but a great opportunity to build up your characters' CR. Whether you're playing a student, a teacher, or maybe someone visiting who has a friend at the Academy, you're welcome to participate.
You're probably wondering how this will work, so here's the deal!
As you can see, there are various threads ranging from different years to lunch time to a luau!
Classes: If anyone is playing a teacher, they are welcome to reply to the years they're teaching and the student will reply to that thread. And voila, interaction! Also, your student characters are welcome to reply to those threads themselves and just say what class they're in so they can interact with other students. You know. Pass notes, throw paper balls at the teacher-- whatever trips your trigger. (Especially since I think we only have one teacher at this time!)
Breaks/Lunch: Basically just as it implies. Some down-time between classes for your character to interact with others.
After School: Maybe characters are studying in the library? Getting in some extra practice for extra-curricular activities? Chatting with a teacher before they head home? Or maybe your character is a trouble-maker and already landed themselves in detention. Tsk! They're also welcome to go off-campus during this time, such as to the beach, to a popular hang-out spot (the Lone Paopu, maybe?), etc.
Luau: A special thread for our first school log! Given the sudden influx of new students from other worlds, the school has decided to hold a luau on the beach to welcome them all! Whether you've been here a while or your character is among the newcomers, come take a load off and get to know your peers! There'll be food, dancing, and games. Have a blast!
Bear in mind, we only have school years for 6th Grade and up as we have no one younger than 11 at this time! That will change if we ever get any younger players. And that's about it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
(Pssst! By the way-- we added an
explanation to the Help Wanted form in case you're confused what your character will be doing and what the benefits and what-not are.)