Title: Tony Stark, Relationship Guru
Author: Becca/Paul
Fandom: Eureka/Iron Man(Movieverse)
Pairings: Nathan Stark/Jack Carter, Tony Stark/James Rhodes
Rating: FRM
Warnings: iBob refuses to let me warn you.
Betas: Willow/LeiaDiane, Greg/Sam, Eddie, River
Author's Note: It's not my fault. And I don't own them, sadly.
"Tony, you got a letter from the Pentagon. You actually need to look
at it." Pepper Potts trailed her boss, with the official looking
envelope in her hand.
"They should have sent it to Rhodey, Pepper. It's a well known fact
that he's my military contact." Tony pressed the button that would
drop his suit.
"Tony, just because the Pentagon is primarily military doesn't mean
it's completely military. Please, just look at it for me." Pepper
batted her eyes at him and held out the envelope as he headed over to
his work bench for a screwdriver.
"Pepper..." Tony sighed as she continued to block his way. He took
the envelope and ripped it open. "Where the fuck is Eureka?" He
said, reading the address at the top of the stationary.
"Oregon, I think. Why?" Pepper leaned against the tool bench,
writing something on her computerized day planner.
"Some idiot wants me to come give a lecture at the local high school,
Tesla." He reread the letter. "About the theory and practical
applications of an arc generator. At a high school Pepper!" He
snorted and set the letter to the side. "Send them a refusal, I need
to finish the modifications on the suit."
"Tony, why don't you go? It can't hurt." Jarvis spoke up, his voice
sounding tiny in the large garage.
"Because I'd prefer to explain the arc generator to someone who would
appreciate the theory, rather than just see my lecture as a way to get
out of class." Tony picked up the screwdriver and returned to working
on the suit.
"It came through the Pentagon, maybe you should go." Pepper smiled
softly, checking her screen for the incoming call. "Rhodey's calling."
"Rhodey?" Stark asked, aimed at the overhead microphone.
"Hey Tony, the plane will be ready at 8am to take you to Eureka.
We've got to leave on time for this trip, we've only got a small
window that we can land in." Tony leaned forward to hit his head on
the suit.
"You guys agreed without me again." He muttered, glaring at Pepper.
"It'll be good for you." Pepper said perkily. "I've packed your
clothes, the spare arc generator and prepared a PowerPoint on the
creation and current incarnations of the arc generator. I've also
arranged for the suit to be packed and sent with you. I'm sure you'll
want to work on it." She smiled before heading up the stairs.
"I'll see you in the morning Rhodey." He said moodily, twisting the
screwdriver slightly harder than necessary.