fics! (two really long titles for the price of one)

Jan 05, 2014 18:43

title: Five Times Tony Needed a Babysitter and the One Time He Was the Babysitter
marvel movies 'verse
word count: ~2k
rating: g
relationships: tony & bruce, tony & p much everyone
warnings: none that i'm aware of
genre: team fic, comedy, crack, friendship
summary: Tony may be a grown man, but he never quite forgot how to be a child. Neither do his friends.

currently only available on ao3

title: Five Common Cures for Insomnia That Don't Work and One Uncommon That Does (As Prescribed by Dr. Banner, For Dr. Banner)
marvel movies 'verse
word count: ~1.1k
rating: pg
relationships: bruce & tony, implied bruce/tony, bruce & everyone
warnings: minor alcohol abuse
genre: team fic, fluff, some angst, friendship
summary: Bruce hasn't had to deal with insomnia for a while. It takes a few tries and some help to find a cure this time around.

currently only available on ao3, spanish translation on

(refer to the links for more info)

i am confused by these tags i'm sorry if i screwed up?????

natasharomanoff, fic, nickfury, whateververse, jarvistheai, avengers, genre:gen, jamesrhodes, genre:slash, movieverse, rating:g, rating:pg

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