Humanity II - #3

May 26, 2010 17:58

Title: Humanity II
Author: sociologies 
Fandom: Iron Man
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Jarvis, James Rhodes and Steve Rogers. For this chapter? Tony and Jarvis. Pairings are a surprise.
Genre: Currently gen. Angst and UST to an extent. Definite science fiction. In subsequent chapters, action/adventure/romance with comedic relief and thriller elements.
Point-of-View: Third, switches from limited to omniscient. A few "subchapters" (clearly indicated) will be told from the first person point of view, but those probably won't be out until after the series is entirely released.
Rating: PG-13 to R for most of the series. NC-17 chapters will be clearly marked and labeled as such.
Warnings/spoilers: None for this chapter.
Universe: An amalgam of alternate universe, movieverse, and Earth-616. Think of it as selective canon?
Summary: Tony Stark, billionaire industrialist and inventor, breaks remarkable scientific ground with his latest technology that hopes to eradicate the societal ailments of hunger, poverty, disease, and disability internationally for good. However, the world at large might not be as receptive to Tony's utopian ideals as he is. Struggling to balance his professional life, his public life, and his personal life, Tony falls under pressure from both his closest friends and groups of strangers because of a secretive procedure the man has underwent that effectively blurred the line between the Iron and the Man. Yet, in an increasingly digital world, can Tony prevent his company from being obsolete in a disintegrating industry of concrete technology? With hopes of engineering his way out of his woes, Tony alters the course of modern science forever, but his creations are not without their repercussions...
Author's Notes: Sci-fi heavy chapter. I think I butchered the science fiction aspects of the chapter, but I can't say I didn't try, haha. Unbeta'd... trying to find a suitable beta who can match my schedule. So, if anyone's interested, feel free to PM me! This is my first legitimate attempt at writing Iron Man fanfiction, so I apologize in advance for any contradictions or mischaracterizations. 2,901 words for this chapter.

Follow the fake cut!

fic, whateververse, genre:gen, rating:pg13, genre-mixed

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