You know, I've always liked Henry Jenkins. He's a pro fan fiction, pro slash, pro het, pro adult themes and harsh language scholar at MIT. He's a very nice man and a very enthusiastic fan of SF. Seeing his words taken out of context - again - made me sigh, because the media LOVES to do that - take things and twist them into a nasty parody of themselves. At any rate, I was gratified when pointed to
this link where Mr. Jenkins had his ten cents regarding HP slash.
"There's no question that J. K. Rowling is the author of the original work, but Hogwarts [Rowling's imaginary wizarding school] may have room for more stories than she wants to write," says Henry Jenkins, the director of MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program who writes frequently about fan behavior. "And she might not be the best writer for every possible story set in Hogwarts."
That is just priceless. I am so amused. :D