1) Take your screenname and convert it to numbers (a = 1, b =2, so on and so forth).
starkenigma = 19 20 1 18 11 5 9 7 13 1
2) Add these numbers together.
3) Add those numbers together.
4) Find this post in your blog.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/starkenigma/2003/03/23/5) Now count in "x" number of words.
The fifth word is 'color'.
6) Do a google image search of this word.
I picked this particular photograph because it was, by a million miles, the best picture on the page. Comment and tell me what a good choice I made.
So I guess I'm supposed to do some sort of philosophical / deep / funny post about the word I found. Or at least I feel like I should, because if I don't, Liv and all her wordsmithiness will make me feel inferior.
But I can't.
So, at the risk of ripping off Mars, Inc., by stealing a former Skittles slogan:
What adds colour to your world? Literally, or figuratively?