Dec 14, 2004 20:18
Why, WHY, does this week have to be so hard? I am having 2 finals this week, even though it is not the official finals week. It’s just because the teachers want to leisurely grade away during break, without a care in the world concerning the stresses the students are already under. I Strenuously Disapprove.
Also? I have a TON of homework over break. Also, am getting wisdom teeth out. This break is bound to be as much fun as…um, pulling teeth.
My holiday shopping is pretty much done, thank Amazon god. I don’t much feel like wrapping this year- hell, any year, I’m terrible at wrapping presents, and my forty-tons-of-Scotch-tape method hasn’t gone over in the past. And now that the oh-so-dexterous Amber is gone and unable to wrap for me, you guys either get unwrapped presents or those that look like they’ve been packaged by a Thorazine dart-struck monkey.
EXCUSE ALERT I’ve been so busy lately, but I’ve beaten myself over the head constantly since I’ve stopped exercising enough, and am now convinced that skipping the gym means the terrorists win. And I’ve got a free membership to the new rec center which looks like a country club…why am I not there beavering away at the elliptical as often as I have access to the car?
I know. I know I’m a loser, and that I don’t need pricey equipment to work out. I can do butt clenches while sitting in Algebra (and taking my FINAL, gah) or something. I should be doing them right now, dammit. But I’m not, and it’s gross.
But hey. Break is at the end of this week, and though I’m fairly sure the suckery will be great, I won’t be at school. Say thankya.
Have a wonderful holiday, and don’t be like me: bestow a hearty FUCK YOU to all the bullshit about carbs.