Feb 01, 2004 12:55
The Super Bowl sucks. This whole fat-hairy-guys-grunting-sitting-around-watching-sports-instead-of-playing-them-and-gorging-themselves-on-overprocessed-spray-cheese fiasco does not appeal to me. I'm planning on going to Natalie's and watching Scarface or Fight Club instead, or maybe fucking around with her guitar, or playing Grand Theft Auto.
But for now, I've got to write a letter to the school board (fictitious, of course, God forbid McLendon have us do anything useful) explaining why The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist novel. Further proof that this woman will grind a topic right into the fucking ground, man. We know it's not a racist novel, and so does anyone else with a working Obvious Radar.
Whurrrrrrgh. Xanga is evil. I just wrote the rest of this entry there, and it randomly refreshes and deletes the whole damn thing. Luckily, I'd remembered to copy the first part, a habit spawned from my days of updating my LJ with the school's Netscape Navigator, which I swear hated me. But nevertheless, this most recent of computer-related fuckups really pissed me off.
"FUUUUUCK!" I howled, already not in the best of moods, and tried to bring the screen up again, frantically searching my mind for methods of undoing the damage my evil demon computer has done, but could only come up with Back Button: Pressing The, which did not work.
Thank you, Windows XP (slogan: "Sucks Marginally Less Than Windows 2000")! I appreciate it! Really!