Challenge 8, whedonland (re-post wegen zu viel Spam *grummel*)

May 19, 2012 11:57

Hallo, Leute!
Ärgert ihr euch nicht auch immer über diese blöden Spams in den Kommentaren? - Naja, jedenfalls hab ich jetzt genug davon gehabt und einfach den ursprünglichen Eintrag gelöscht und hier nun nochmal gepostet. Hoffentlich hört jetzt der Spam-Mist endlich mal auf. *seufz*

Für whedonland gab es in der Challenge 8 die Aufgabe, entweder 2 Book covers oder 2 Inhaltsangaben bzw. Klappentexte zu fiktiven Buchtiteln zu erstellen. Hier sind die beiden, für die ich mich entschieden habe. :-)

Hi! Here are mine blurbs / reviews for two of the book titles i choose:

How to Love a Demon and Survive It by Xander Harris

Who would not dream of a Life as an immortal Consort to the Master of the Aurelius Clan? Watching over your own kingdom with the love of your (un)life by your side, fighting the evil and cut it’s head off when ever it shows it in your town.

It’s the story about a boy born and raised in Sunnydale, California. He didn’t know about what really walks in the shadows of the night till he met a new girl at his school - Buffy Summers. From that day on nothing was the same as before. His life was turned up side down. After being possessed by a primal hyena demon and an almost wedding to an ex revenge demon he and the re-souled vampire William the bloody aka Spike became roommates in Xander’s apartment. First it only was a friendship between two fighters for the good but after a while it was turning into more. But they always denied their feelings. But than they fought against *The First* and almost lost each other in that battle. After the victory about their enemies Xander and Spike became a couple. The new formed Council asked them to stay in Sunnydale to watch over the hell mouth. Since that they helped rebuilding the remains of the City and keeping the deaths of its population low.

What to do when all you date is demons by Xander Harris

It’s the first book in a line of guiding books and a *must-have* for all the guys and girls who wants to know more about dating at the hell mouth and other demon towns.

This (sometimes not so serious) guide answers you some of the most asked questions about dinner with your enemies. Every demon has its reason for dating a human. Some of them might really want to have an relationship with a mortal person. But most of them only want one thing - to eat you!

So be aware and think twice if you really want to risk waking up the next night being dead and thirsty for blood!

whedonland, fang_gang, challenges, spander

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