OOC Information:
Name: Eve
Age: 26
AIM: Evil Lifegiver
E-MAIL: kiandra_fire@yahoo.com
Are you new? If not, list your current characters: Elle Bishop,
rebelle_elle IC Information:
Name: Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark
Fandom: Iron Man/Marvel
Timeline:(When in the series/game/show/movie is your character from?) After the Civil War, when Tony is working on his new company, Stark Resilient, to bring clean, free energy to everyone on Earth
Age: 35
Appearance: At 6'1", Tony's most distinctive features are his blue eyes and black facial hair, always with a thin mustache but sometimes with a goatee as well. Though attractive enough to get by, most of his good looks come from his wealth, power, and confidence. Without them, he looks like a tall, bearded technogeek who didn't start working out until he was in his twenties and needed the strength to wear his iron suit.
Abilities: (What can your character do? Please specify any special abilities, and remember that not everyone knows your fandom. This will be used to determine what your character can do in game.) Tony started out as a billionaire playboy genius, and by God he'll go out the same way. Or at least as a playboy genius. Though in the beginning, he was just a selfish twat who liked making things that could blow stuff up, through his years working on the suit, sliding in and out of superhero teams, and being a hero himself, he's now a less selfish twat who likes to blow stuff up. His pride, joy, and curse has become the Iron Man technology.
After a brief stint with a program called Extremis, Tony upgraded himself to stop an enemy and now almost more machine than man. Nanotech has given him the ability to enhance his sight and other senses and Extremis and nanotechnology allow him to interact with the suit, able to call the suit out of his skin - or, to be more precise, his hollowed out bones - at a moment's notice. It's saved his life more than once.
During the Civil War, Norman Osbourn sought to take the Superhuman Registration Database from Tony. Knowing that the only copy of the database was in his own brain, which could be jacked much like a computer's harddrive, Tony wiped his own brain out to the point that he no longer knew how to breathe. His friends helped bring him back (though they were less than enthusiastic about it), but Extremis was not brought back to how it was before, having been affected by a Skrull virus. Tony's "back up" of his mind only covered his life up to a certain point - he's forgotten the Civil War, and thus, which of his friends are now enemies. He's also forgotten some every day things, such as how to tie a tie, how to breathe, and how to blink. Extremis has taken charge of many of his brain's functions, and Tony now has an arc reactor in his chest again in order to keep Extremis charged and his brain functioning, thus keeping himself alive.
Personality: (What is your character like? Good? Bad? How do they get along with others? One paragraph or more please.)
Tony is rather surprised sometimes to find himself referred to as one of the good guys. The thing about him which so few people notice is that Tony hates himself - sometimes more than anyone else hates him, which is quite a feat - but he doesn't have it in him to give up. He gets up every morning, determined to do better.
Tony grew up rather shy, but after a stint in boarding school has learned the mechanics of conversation and manipulation. Though he's learned to spot the strings of others looking out for their own interest, he's often blind to his own machinations, which he uses to ensure his power and wealth. He will often doubt what he does, but he has a huge blind spot in seeing failings of his own beyond the initial few (he's an manipulative, alcoholic, charming asshole).
He considers himself a good guy - one of the best, actually - and has no difficulty letting the ladies know what a good guy he is. He isn't against making friends, but it's unlikely he'll ever trust anyone as much as he trusts Pepper and Rhodey.
Much of his desire to do better is often tied into his desire for power. He hasn't realized yet that he's as addicted to power as he is to alcohol.
History: (How did your character get to be who they are today? Remember, not everyone will know your fandom. Two paragraphs or more please.) Seeing as how Marvel is, well, Marvel, I've tried to write up his character history in its
own post. The post will be changing and growing like the behemoth comics are as I find out more about Marvel's history. For now, those are the basics I'm working with.
More on Tony's Armor: Tony's originally built the suit around a chestplate he was using to save his life. Over time, he made modifications to make the suit more streamlined and powerful, with stronger material (it is now less iron than it is durable fibers that could absorb shocks and protect him from missiles). In a fight against some terrorists, Tony was injected with nanobots and underwent the Extremis (a techno-organic virus) process to not only heal himself, but give himself an update. As a result, he's almost as much a cyborg as he is a human. Unfortunately, Extremis was infected by a Skrull virus, forcing the Extremis armor to become obsolete.
Tony finally updated Extremis using nanotech, which means:
- Tony can now store the Iron Man armor in his hollowed-out bones.
- He can now control the armor with his brain and thought impulses, instead of relying on the armor's artificial intelligence interface.
- The suit is constructed of a fibrous wetweb of iron and platinum fibers and "less complex (as it interfaces directly to Stark's brain via the Extremis-modified cybernetic connections), and has much faster response time since it effectively functions like Stark's second skin."
- Tony can "remotely connect to external communications systems such as satellites, cellular phones, and computers through the PAN interconnect (that is now thought-controlled)."
- The arc reactor in his chest, which keeps Tony's brain functioning, also greatly increases his intelligence.
- The armor's repulsors also act as eyes, in effect giving Tony 360-degree vision.
- The armor's nanites mean the armor can repair itself in seconds to minutes, depending on the damage.
Note: The armor Tony uses as of Stark Resilient is referred to as the "Bleeding Edge" armor.
Roleplay Sample - Log: (Written in third person, past tense, any setting [Changed 6/25! - 'any canon setting - or Facility based.'] )
Tony had spent the past several hours scrolling through logs on the blackberry. If he hadn't known any better, he would have said the device was a fair indication of how outdated - possibly even primitive - his latest set of captors were. The fact remained, however, that he was here, and had no memory of arriving here. Whoever had managed that was someone of whom he should be wary.
After pulling up some maps on the device, he headed out to explore, paying closer and closer attention to the hallway walls as he went. At length, he gave up and posted a message on the network as the others were doing. "If anyone can help me find an electrical outlet, I'd appreciate it. I know it doesn't seem like an important request, but it really is a matter of me living until tomorrow."
Roleplay Sample - Journal: (Written in first person, IC, as though it were a journal entry.)
I've been in worse places. This place has electricity, it's clean, and I'm not worried about dying at the hands of terrorists in some remote area where "civilization" is an impossible-to-spell word. Okay, so maybe it's occurred to me that these might be technologically advanced terrorists. Maybe another Skrull trap, even though I know- No, but what do I know really?
I know Pep and Jim aren't here. I should be relieved. I am relieved. But things would be easier if I knew they were here. Just me being selfish. I'd get them out alive. I know I would. To do otherwise isn't an option. Instead I'm stuck with a bunch of superheroes, most of whom I've never heard of, and I'm not sure I can trust any of them. Even Steve. Yes, he brought me back from the dead, he did his part, but I got him killed. I don't care who pulled the trigger, I'm the reason Steve was on those steps. I can't remember how I got him there, only what I read in the papers, and I know how unreliable those are.
There's a rec room around here. Since there aren't any tools in my room, I'm hoping to get lucky there. The car's on hold. I didn't escape countless groups of terrorists just to fall prey to another.
This game includes horrible mental and physical torture of your character. After reading the rules/faq for clarification, how do you expect your character to handle this and continue to function? Tony... actually gets tortured a lot, one way or another. He might struggle with some issues (especially if alcohol is around), but overall, he's kind of used to it. He'll just try to figure out what's going on with the help of his cape-friends!
Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here. I'm worried that Tony's armor might give him too much power over other people in the facility (and the communicators, since Extremis give him a sort of link to all machines), so I was wondering if maybe he could have the suit (or the smaller parts that come from his body so he would have to make the larger parts again himself) and then just have a glitch in Extremis so he can't control/upgrade it with his thoughts anymore? It might freak Tony out to realize that someone's been meddling with his armor/brain, which he thinks only he's capable of.
I think it might be best to downgrade Extremis so that it keeps his brain functioning but doesn't do anything else. Back to basics and all.