Jul 01, 2010 12:09
The Last Airbender: DO NOT WATCH.
I don't understand why directors think they can take something that's already really awesome and really popular, change it all around to suit their egotistical whatever, and then expect it to do well. Why is M. Night Shyamalan bad at life? Is it really so hard to take a kids TV show and make it a movie? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!!?!?!!??
I expected parts of the movie to be somewhat of a letdown, like I could tell that Noah Ringer (Aang) wasn't the best actor, but I could definitely get passed it though because the previews made all the bending and the fighting look AWESOME. Don't anyone give me crap about how you 'knew it was going to be bad' because I'll call hindsight bias in a second. Those previews rocked, and I was sooooo looking forward to that stupid movie. I can't even tell you how excited I was.
What really killed me, minus the bad--and I mean TOTOALLY BAD--acting, the mediocre bending effects, and a general lack of character development, was the fact that it was just written really badly. As we were leaving the theater, my brother and I overheard some guy saying something about how the movie felt like the dialog was written by an eight year old. We joked as we headed towards the car that it might have been really awesome if it actually had been written by an eight year old. The actors in the movie who are usually good (Shaun Toub, Cliff Curtis, Randall Duk Kim) just didn't have anything to work with. I don't think the best acting in the world would have saved some of those scenes! How did this even happen? Were the actors held at gunpoint or something?? I mean Prince Zuko was Dev Patel for crying out loud! He's amazing! Why didn't they utilize his skills and let him feel the character a little more!? I know Zuko is angry, but it's more hurt, grumpy adolescent anger, not crazy, psychopath rage!! And Jackson Rathbone, come on! You're not that great, but you were alright in Dread. You were even okay in Twilight. Why did you suck so bad in Airbender?? And WHY WERE YOU NOT FUNNY!! SOKKA IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!!
They pronounced Aang "Awng" and Sokka "Sow-ka" by the way. I felt like I was watching a really bad 4Kids dubbing of some bad anime.
And Goddamnit, why did the earthbenders blow? I wanted to see rocks and boulders flying at some folks! I wanted badass stomping on the ground and thundering, rumbling LANDSLIDES! And why did the firebenders need fire to bend fire? I'm pretty sure firebenders could just summon fire in the show... I could be wrong...
I'm totally disappointed. I DO NOT recommend this movie to ANYONE. I seriously want to cry a little. I would rather watch DragonBall Evolution again than be subject to re-watching one of my favorite shows get BUTCHERED so fucking badly.
I should have gone to see Eclipse or something last night instead. And that's saying a lot because I don't really like Twilight all that much. It's not bad, just kind of... lamesauce.
I hope this post saves some people from wasting an hour and forty-five minutes of your life. It's not worth the ten bucks to see it in the theater. Rent it. Trust me. You'll save money, and you'll have the option of turning it off in the middle.