I can't sleep now. I get home from work, take baby to the sitter's so I can take a nap, but then I check my email and I have all these fucking annoying-ass PM's. Why are people all stupid? Am I not explaining things very well? WTF. 90% of the readers get it, but that other 10 percent... should I be worried that I wasn't clear because a big chunk of people that read my stuff all didn't get the same thing???? Gyah...
And another question for my writer friends... How far should you let constructive crit go? Where do you draw the line? When does it stop being constructive and move into the realm of being fucking stupid and flame?
I'm really fucking tired of people giving me a quick "Yay, I liked it, it was good!" but then moving on to "...cringed at your portrayal of this character". I've gotten so many reviews and PM's in the last few weeks of people saying they "cringed" or "wrinkled my nose" "my heart hurt a little when you..." and it's all for stupid shit! Not spelling or grammar stuff or something that matters! No! It's always fucking characterization or "I would (or wouldn't) have done it this way"!!!
You know what?? Fuck you. Are you Eiichirō Oda? Are you Masashi Kishimoto?? Are you Yana Toboso??? NO! Go fuck yourself! Your characterization is wrong too!! No one can get it right except the original author!! And guess what you fucktards: THEY AREN'T FUCKING GAY IN THE MANGA!!!!!!!!!
*breaths deep*
I'm not really angry, stupid people don't really make me angry. I just get annoyed... by the stupidity. I don't understand people that take the time out to write a review complaining about something like characterization. What a waist of time! If they didn't see the character like you do in the first place, bitching about it or being snarky in a comment isn't going to change how they write it. And no one should be changing a story for one single person; that's just wrong. If the characterization is really bad, I just won't read the fic. Like this Naruto story I read- tried to read- last week. The story was great, and I could totally look past the little things about her Kakashi that were weird because her Iruka was great and they were really cute together. But her Raidou and Genma... God... I wanted to tear my eyeballs out.
But like I'm going to waist my time telling her that!! I just moved on to the next story!!
Am I picky? Am I turning into a writing snob? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Has anyone ever been pissed off by reviews that might not have been meant to piss you off??
Actually... I feel better having gotten that off my chest. I think I can sleep now... x)