Paper napkin. Workshop.

Nov 04, 2015 12:27

You will need:

- Metal wire, flexible wire that would keep a shape;
- layered paper napkins;
- wheat starch paste (or another liquid water-based adhesive);
- (sewing-)threads;
- fishing line (transparent);
- pliers;
- scissors;
- thin needle.

With wire make a “carcass” for the future doll. Does not  need to be detailed, just mark the general lines.

Separate each layer of the paper napkins, is very easy. We only need the white layers, not the coloured ones.

Keep few one layered napkins aside, we will use them later.
Tear (do not cut) the rest in 1-1.5 cm wide stripes.
It’s important to tear it with hands, not cut with scissors.
If the napkin doesn’t want to tear try turning it 90 degrees.

Cover your wire carcass with paper stripes and impregnate it with starch paste.

You will end up with a mummy looking figure. If you are planning a male figure, try making it more solid.

Let it dry.

Now we start with clothes. Fold the white napkin like you do for a paper snowflake (double to make a triangle,
then again and again, then fold against the large side). Cut it on the length you wish.

It might be better to round the edge off a little.

Wring the “skirt” a couple of times clockwise and counterclockwise to create beautiful pleats.
Repeat it with another napkin to get a two layered skirt.

You might also make a separate underskirt slightly longer.

Carefully make holes for arms and head in the dress and put it on the doll.

Tighten the thread on the doll’s waist. Your ballet tutu is ready.

Cuffs for the sleeves and trouser-legs for male’s costumes are made the same way.
Put the fisher’s line through the figure with thin needle to be able to hang it.

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мастер-класс, балетные страсти, byМашки, бумажные балерины

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