Aurelia is 16 months now. She is huge, and full of energy, and out to kill herself, and totally funny, and nothing I could have expected at this age. I am finding life is a bit easier, to some extent. I mean, she'll entertain herself... but she might entertain herself by climbing the bookshelves. ::sigh:: She eats a lot. Her favorites are kiwi, cheese, hummus, black beans, cheese, oranges, peanut butter, cheese, and strawberries... and cheese. She gives the best hugs and kisses. She talks all the time. A few of my favorite things she says right now: "okay" as a response. "Do you want some more cheese?" "Okay." "Can you please put your book on the shelf?" "Okay." "Let's get out of the kitchen while Mommy's cooking." "Okay." Also, I found out today that when she is trying to climb onto the couch, she says, "I do it!" or "Do it!" I dare you not to laugh.
Anyway, she is so much fun and so exhausting. I don't even know how we have gotten here, with a 16 month old! Seriously, time is zooming by. But she gets cuter every day.
My baby...
the end.