I'm Famous!!

Nov 30, 2007 00:13

So.. The Broadway Stagehand strike officially ended!! WOohoo.. So being the oh so obsessive addicted fan of Spring Awakening that I am I decided that I was going to do Student Rush the next morning (Thursday the 29th). So I am crazy and wake up around 4am and get down to the theater around 4:30am. How Student Rush works is that all students with a valid ID can get discount tickets ($26) for that nights performance. It's first come first serve. So getting there early is key especially since Spring Awakening does have A LOT of crazy addicted fans, some that are even more so then me. Anyway I get down there and there is NO ONE there. Cool I think I'm the first one. So I am hanging out outside the theater 5am on 49th street near Times Square. This extremely nice 34 year old doorman, who I learned was named Rodrigo, from the hotel next to the theater was kind enough to keep me company and I had a nice chat with him.

So I am standing there and along comes a reporter for NBC with a cameraman. She's like can I interview you? I'm like ok.. So she asks me all these questions about the strike and if I was excited about getting tickets etc. and the camera guy is shining this extremely bright light on my face. So she leaves. After a few hours pass more people show up to get in line. And with that more camera crews from different news stations. There was FOX and NY1 and they were all filming us and asking if we could talk. Anyway 10am finally rolls around and the box office opens. And I buy my ticket and I end up getting [b]Center Orchestra Row B 5 seats from the aisle[/b] and I'm like holy shit! I got a ticket that usually goes for over $200 for $26!!!

I go home and turn on the TV to NY1 this local news station for new york. And of course they do a story on the strike ending and what do you know there's me sitting on the sidewalk with the other people. I think they aired the other one on NBC where I talked but I don't really want to see it lol. So yeah I'm famous!!

The show was AMAZING! The cast was so pumped to be there once again. The audience clapped and cheered non-stop for "Totally Fucked" I thought it would go on forever. The entire cast was there which was the first for me I always had a few understudies. Though Jonathan B Wright wasn't there =( He was apparently cast in a movie and is due back in December. The guy replacing him Drew was pretty good. He does seem to have a weaker voice but maybe that was only during "The Word of Your Body" but he did fill Wright's shoes very well.
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