since i am too apathetic/private to post emo rants, i had one made for me. i'll try to do a real update soon.
yesterday was my birthday and nobody noticed or gave me presents or wished me happy birthday :-(.
What sucks is that the other day at work sucked.
Oh and
lookabanana told me that
spectralcoyote told people that I got caught talking to
dirk_person_man and backstabbing
nakiwakare. And yeah. You might guess I don't give a flying f*** what they think anymore. I'm over that.
Oh yeah.
animegan said they wanted to go to a concert but they didn't show up :-(.
Hey and know what? mom was totally unfair to me this afternoon and now now I can't go to the mall with
deadpoet83 and
dirk_person_man :-(.
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