Random Supernatural-related thoughts

Jul 19, 2006 13:31

Random spoilery Supernatural Speculations, so be warned…

So, one of my ‘projects’ for my vacation was to rewatch the first season of Supernatural (Oh, the hardship! Not.).

Just thought I’d throw out some random reactions/thoughts I had while rewatching the eps. These ideas might be old news to many of you, but to those of you who just started watching, it might be fun. Call it a mini-meta. ;)

- I didn’t notice this the first time watching the pilot, but in watching it (close to the monitor, considering how hard this is to see) - but Mary and Jess are still alive as they’re burning. You look closely, you can see them breathing/moving slightly. Cripes. As if being pinned to the ceiling, slashed, and burned isn’t bad enough. Asshole Demon.
- It also seems that once the women are consumed, the Demon sends out this kind of streamer of fire, right at the person (John in Mary’s case, Sam in Jess’s case). Frustration at being interrupted? Attempt to destroy everyone it can? Random injection of OMIGODDRAMA by the writers that I’m reading way too much into?
- I wonder what the significance of dripping blood onto Sam both times was. First Mary’s blood into his crib that first attack, and later Jess’s blood. Does that mean anything? Do these women have to be sacrificed somehow? Or is it again something I’m reading too much into? ;)
- I’m still not sure what to make of John ‘disappearing’. Doesn’t seem typical that he’d drop the Woman in White job right in the middle. Was this intended as a test for Dean? Or was the Demon or one or more of its servants getting close, and John realized this and bolted? Or got a juicy tip, and he couldn’t pass up the opportunity? I think later canon suggests the latter, if my memory serves…still, I wonder.
- Heheh, I’d forgotten how cocky Dean was in the early episodes. That smirk is OMIGODCUTE.
- And my one real beef with the ep. - how the Hell did Dean get out to Blackwater Ridge so fast, to save Sam from Constance? Hadn’t he just called Sam from a payphone mere minutes before? What’d he do? It’s not like he had a car…did he hotwire a cop car? Get a cab to drop him off? “Yeah, let me off right over here - keep the change, my bro’s gettin’ attacked, dude!” Smacks a bit of dues ex machina, sorry to say…

- Again, I wonder why John sent them there. Another test? A distraction, to keep them far away from the Demon’s trail, just in case It decided to carry out another pre-emptive strike? Or was that just the next hunt he’d planned for Dean, anyways (remember Dean had done solo hunts before), and since John got side-tracked/scared off, the lead was just laying around, waiting for the boys to find?
- “I packed provisions.” *holds up bag of M&Ms* Yes, it’s official - if John Winchester and I ever break up, I’m SO doing Dean.
- The parallels between Haley and Dean are obvious - searching for a lost relative, hoping against hope that they’re still alive - but it’s also striking just how badly Sam has John’s particular brand of tunnel-vision. In many ways, Dean’s the most healthy of the three of them, heheh.

- Agents Ford and Hamill? *snerk*
- You know, I’m still wondering whether the Demon’s goal wasn’t ultimately to kill Sam. Yeah, I know some will disagree with me. But take note of what Sam said about Lucas: “…going through a traumatic experience can make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies…”. What if the Demon attempted to use Mary’s death to ‘traumatize’ baby!Sam and the family, in an attempt to get those powers going…and then Jess’s death as well, when Sam turned out to ‘normal’? I’m just saying…
I love this show, heheh.

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