May 12, 2007 10:16
...*tries to restrain dirty thoughts*
Seriously, though - whoa. Just WHOA.
They were really playing for KEEPS this ep., weren’t they? The Roadhouse burned to the ground, Andy dead, Ava dead, Ash dead (although I’m not so sure - yeah, that was HIS watch, but that doesn’t mean that was his body. *in denial*), Sam stabbed…
*somewhat shocked*
- First, I don’t believe for a second that Sam is dead/will die. Unless there is to be no S3. *trembles at the very thought* Sam’s just too central to the show. Of course, I’m still keen to see how they help him next week, but I’m not all that traumatized by the stabbing. Or maybe I’m just in denial again, heheh.
- I wonder - does this mean Jake WON? I guess he needs to, because Sam obviously can’t lead the army if the show is to continue. But maybe Sam DOES need to die, and this means Jake is going to be tracking them throughout S3 (if there is one) and trying to remove Sam?
- I like that they used the same actor as IMToD to play the YED. Of course, the Demon could jump into and use any body It wants, but that was a nice touch of continuity.
- Even given the ‘heavier’ tone of the ep., Dean still didn’t disappoint, using his usual wit to create some amusing lines: Besides the classic ‘I love me some pie!’, I rather liked ‘Three-thousand mile haystack’ and ‘About as much fun as being kicked in the family jewels.’ Oh, and Dean’s ‘David Hasselhoff’ signature? *rotfl*
- But I must say - copyright infringement! I used that ‘Hell Breaks Loose’ title FIRST! *sits back and waits for royalty cheque* ;)
- And what’s that a neat trick Andy used to contact Dean? Man, if Sam could pick up that knack….mind you, the visions and telekinesis Sam’s supposed to have, have pretty much fallen by the wayside all season, haven’t they?
- Lots of questions about the YED and Its plans, obviously. First, I see this as confirmation of what I suspected - that Jess died so that Sam would lead a life where he’d have to ‘hone his gifts’, as the YED put it. A happily married, complacent Sam doesn’t feed into the YED’s plans at all. I also suspected awhile back that it would come to this - that the YED would pit one psychic against another. I kind of figured when the YED was allowing so many of Its kids to die, that it wasn’t all that concerned about them. So it makes perfect sense and all ties together - survival of the fittest, so It can pick the ‘best’ and strongest.
- Which leads to my next question - why only one kid? They kind of implied that the YED has the army already and needs the leader, and since Ava could control demons, maybe that is the role the psychic kid must play (although - WHY? Why does the YED need a human child -albeit with his blood- in that role?). But yeah, I’ve started wondering more and more if this is larger than we suspect. That maybe the YED is in fact SATAN himself, and this whole thing is ‘auditioning’ one child for the role of Anti-Christ? *ponders*
- And I wonder if the YED was telling the truth to Sam, about much of it. Telling Sam he was the ‘favourite’? Riiiiight. How much you want to bet the YED said the same thing to each and every one of the other kids? (Well, maybe not Andy or Lilly, they seemed pretty clueless, but certainly Jake and Ava). I also don’t know what to make of the revisionist nursery history. OK, maybe Mary’s death WAS accidental (and then the YED used the same method to kill Jess just for kicks), but I REALLY have no idea what to make of the fact that Mary seemed to recognize the Demon. Is it possible John’s NOT Sam’s father even genetically, and Sam is actually the son of Mary and the YED wearing another human’s body (which Mary recognized)? Was MARY some kind of hunter and knew what the Demon was? Or was it all another lie, the YED showing Sam a false vision? Mind you, if it IS false, I don’t really know why the YED would show Mary recognizing him, unless it was to mess with Sam’s head…
- And feeding wee!Sammy the blood? Can I get an ‘Ewwwwwwwwwwww’?
- That sucked that Ava went darkside. I LIKED her character. But I guess I can see it. Stuck there alone for 5 months, with the YED probably on her case all the time, and knowing that her anchor to her past life (Brady) was gone? Besides, it was way sneaky of the writers - I never suspected Ava.
- And I can’t help but appreciate the irony - John’s determination to make Sam a hunter may have protected Sam…but as the YED noted, it also turned him into the perfect leader for the YED’s army. Not only does Sam know how to hunt and kill, but he knows much of where to find the potential opposition to the YED’s army - other hunters. Exactly what Meg capitalized on, when she possessed Sam herself awhile back.
- And finally: SPOILERY for a certain character, so don’t highlight if you want to be spoiler-free -> I was SO hoping John would be in this ep. I even cheated and DL’d the ep. before watching it on TV with the hubby, and I watched just the opening credits to see if JDM’s name was there…which it wasn’t, although I still had hope as I was watching the actual ep., to see if maybe he WAS there but the canon!writers were clever enough not to reveal the clue in the credits. I was even thinking at one point that the YED must have taken all the abductees to another dimension or something, and that maybe John or John’s spirit would be trapped in that town as well, but alas, no dice… *pouts*
So, I’m kind of pissed. Rumour had it we’d be seeing JDM these last two eps., and now there’s only one to go, and STILL no JDM. I’m starting to think it was all a vicious lie, and we won’t see JDM at all. Unless Dean gets desperate, and somehow tries to resurrect John, to help save Sam? But I’ve NO idea how that would work out.
Either way, though, looking forward to next week’s ep. I’ll cry about the fact it is the end of the season later. ;)