Call For Workshop Proposals for the 1st Midwest Trans Youth Conference
Due Date for Proposals: August 31st, 2007
What is the Midwest Trans Youth Conference? It is a weekend conference dedicated to transgender, gender nonconforming, questioning and SOFFA youth, ages 24 & under.
Want to transform yourself? What about your community? Join other youth leaders and activists to focus on the issues that are important to you. Build the skills and the know-how; prepare yourself the tack the issues of equal rights, equal access and health in your community; meet and network with youth from throughout the Midwest; and enjoy a host of nationally recognized speakers and performers.
This year, MTYC will be held in Ferndale, MI at Affirmations in the center’s fabulous new building on October 19th-21st, 2007. Come and join us for three days of exciting programming at the first Midwest Trans Youth Conference! Registration is now open.
Want to be part of the programming for the Midwest Trans Youth Conference this year? Propose a workshop! We are looking for creative, interesting and fun workshop ideas that fit into the conference theme-Revolutionary Voices, Transforming Choices-and one of the two (or both!) programming tracks: Social Justice/Equality or Health & Wellness. Have a great idea? Something you are passionate about? Use your expertise to empower transgender, gender nonconforming, questioning and SOFFA youth!
Have a topic that you aren’t sure is ideal for a workshop session? We are also looking for proposals for caucuses/”lunch and learn” sessions. These informal discussions are for smaller groups and offer a chance for deeper conversation about any topic addressed in the conference or any other topic you think is important or interesting.
Remember, the “tracks” are general guidelines for proposals, and can be interpreted very broadly or very narrowly, depending on the workshop or caucus idea that you have. Here are a few ideas (don’t limit yourself to these!) to help you get a sense of what we are looking for in each of the programming tracks. Remember, these are just a few possible topics; use your expertise and creativity to develop other engaging and important topics!
Social Justice/Equality
o Gender identity and expression nondiscrimination legislation
o SOFFA inclusion (association/affiliation language)
o Undoing racism in the trans community/movement
o Gender and disability
o Undoing hierarchy in the trans community
o And your amazing ideas!!!
Health & Wellness
o Street hormones
o Healthy eating; body image and eating disorders
o Sexual assault and domestic/dating violence
o Self-injury
o And your exciting ideas!!!
Both Tracks
o Equal health access
o Community education and activism in:
o Schools, colleges, etc.
o Homeless shelters, foster care group homes, etc. (gender-segregated facilities)
o Doctors, therapists, social workers, etc.
o Parents
o And your creative ideas!!!
Caucus Ideas
o Partners of trans folks
o People with disabilities
o Genderqueers
o People who are homeless
o People who have done survival sex work
o And your important topics!!!
The organizers regret that we will not be able to accept every fabulous workshop idea. We will be reserving a large percentage of workshop and caucus time for youth facilitated or co-facilitated programming.
Workshop proposals will be accepted until August 31st, 2007. Just fill out the Workshop Proposal Form for your workshop ideas or caucus topics. You can submit your proposal form(s) through the website
here, (Forms are also available to be downloaded and mailed).
Please submit only one workshop or caucus idea per proposal form. Website and email submissions must be received no later than August 31st, 2007 and mailed submissions must be postmarked by August 31st, 2007.
Those who have submitted workshop and/or caucus proposals will be notified if their proposal(s) have been accepted no later than Friday, September 17th, 2007.