Aug 07, 2005 10:34
I agree that pirates aren't all a Jack Sparrow, but they had to have been damn cool. The reason I say this is becuase pirate is a relative term. Vikings, for example were a type of unstoppable pirate. You have to think of numbers and ruthlessness.
So yes ninja's are assasins, and yes pirates do come to land, but if the fight was on a pirates ship you cannot say no doubt about it a ninja would win. No sea legs, maybe. Maybe they are super adaptable becuase everyone is gonna play the race card. Well fuck that, pirates c an be any race. In fact they are many races and from around the world.
On a ship it would be hard to spring a full scale attack without either sneaking on at port, or sending another ship (full of ninja's) to get to them. If it was the later they would probably fail becuase pirates are not just fighters, but master shipsman and navagators.
Of course on the other side if a pirate group tried to pillage an asian city protected by ninja's I would have to agree that they would lose. The stealth and sneakyness of ninja's plus a home court advantage is hard to beat. But who knows, ruthlessness might come into effect.
So lets drop the Jack Sparrow Stereotype, and remember that pirates are not always drunk, or clumsy, or as badass as I would like them to be. But remember that pirates have been around a long time, and accually still are, but you only here about it, ironically, around the coast of asia.