❶ WELCOME to a mixture of madness and incoherency. This ain't a one-way ticket to hell, but it might as well be. The only thing you'll ever find here is whatever the mad chick behind the screen dares to spit out. Inspiration comes only once and a while, but it's always worth the wait.
❷ EVERYTHING is fandom. Everything is open. If you're looking for something along the lines of original writing, then you're out of luck. Those are for closed eyes only.
❸ FEEL free to watch or choose to ignore. I don't mind either way.
airing ✪
alterspring ✪
applelawn ✪
arttype m0nochrome ✪
parolacce ✪
shagged ✪
shatterworks sonicpunch ✪
sunticide ✪
conducting ✪