
Apr 07, 2011 14:25

Title: Revelations

Author: stargirl888

Word Count: Approx 1300

Spoilers: None

Pairing: Santana/Brittany, Side Rachel/Quinn

Rating: T

WARNINGS: Contains references to a Domestic Discipline relationship.

Summary: Rachel Discovers there’s more to Brittany than meets the eyes

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brittana, glee, friendship: quinn/santana/brittany/rache, spanking, learning lessons verse

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Comments 4

cranberry_pi April 8 2011, 14:17:15 UTC
I read all three stories in this verse yesterday, and I'm just...fascinated. The whole idea of a DD relationship has always been a really interesting one to me, but it's hard to even find much in the way of resources on the subject - most of what comes up via web search is all tied up in religion, and seems more like an excuse for a husband to beat his wife. This presentation of it, in your stories, is all about love and mutual respect, and it's really engrossing to read.

I love your Brittany too - I've always felt she's smarter than she lets on, and your way of explaining why she does it makes so much sense to me. I'm really, really enjoying this verse, if I haven't made it clear already, and I hope there's more to come. I'd really like another chapter focused on Quinn and Rachel (which I see from your author's note is coming, now that I read it, lol), as I can picture Quinn having to discipline her often. Sorry for the long-ass comment, but I really had a lot to say about this great story. :)


stargirl888 April 9 2011, 16:30:02 UTC
I'm so pleased you are enjoing the verse. I also find it hard to get information that's not all wrapped up in religion - though I find there are some blogs by people living this lifestyle which are a pretty good sources of information. I was a little worried as to how people would react to my take on Brittany so I'm rather releived that you thought it made sense.

There will definietly be more in this verse, and some Quinn/Rachel installments coming up soon.

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)


bridz87 April 9 2011, 03:41:17 UTC
I think this series is amazing. There's not a lot of fics that cover the loving side of a DD relationship. While not something I've experienced in real life it is something I like to read about, and I'm sure that's the case for other readers.

Personally I would like to see a few more separate instalments before bringing Faberrittana together, but that just may be my need to see you write as much as possible in this verse :) When you do bring them together I'd like a chapter where Quinn has to discipline Brittany for the first time, because I can imagine that would be hard on her to hurt sweet Brittany. And I can imagine Rachel and Santana probably arguing a lot and causing trouble for themselves.

Really, I'll just be happy with whatever you end up doing, but those are somethings I'd like to see. Please write more soon!


stargirl888 April 9 2011, 16:48:16 UTC
Thanks! It's rather important to me that I show that DD involves a relationship requiring a lot of love and trust and its not a sort of sadomasochistic kink, so I'm pleased that that's coming through

There will be quite a few chapters before Faberrittana becomes official - I plan for it to be a rather slow, realistic, build rather than them suddenly together in like one chapter. I hadn' thought of a Quinn/brittany chapter, but I'll definitely keep it in mind and I'm already toying with idea's for Santana and Rachel arguing so that will make an appearance.

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)


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