Learning Lessons: The Road to Faberrittana (7a/?)

Aug 07, 2011 10:21

Chapter Title: Skeletons in the closet - Part 1 of 2
Author: Stargirl888
Word Count: About 3000
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Brittany / Santana, Faberrittana friendship
Rating: PG 13
WARNINGS: None for this chapter
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been and unfortunately never will be :(
Summary: An argument with a parent leads to a newfound intimacy between the girls
A/N: My works internet is down so I decided to try post this using my cell phone instead, hopefully it comes out right. Otherwise, not much for me to say this time. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and encouragement and to KFordy for your guidance on this chapter. Reviews, like always, are enthusiastically received.


“Alright guys, so we’re doing duets again this week, and I’m going to let you pick your partners.” Mr Schuster announced at the end of glee a few days later to be met by some excited murmurs. “however, there is a condition: you cannot partner with someone you’re dating” Less happy muttering. “So we have a few minutes before the end for you to pick who you want to sing with and then you have two days to practice and we’ll do performances on Wednesday and Thursday.”

Quinn gave Rachel a slightly disappointed shrug before getting up to go find a partner. Glancing around, Rachel couldn’t help feel a little upset as the other kids all turned to people near them to arrange partners while completely ignoring her. She knew they generally considered her difficult to work with, but that combined with them still being irritated about Friday meant no one wanted to partner with her. Rachel looked to the back row thinking she’d ask Brittany only to see the blond dancer already talking animatedly with Quinn.

Santana could see Rachel’s disappointment as she looked around and, sighing to herself, got up to go and claim Quinns recently vacated seat beside the diva.

“I know I’m going to regret this, but, would you like to be my partner?”

Rachel eyes widened in surprise at the offer - sure she and Santana had become friends but they rarely spent time together without either Quinn or Brittany there.

“Okay.” Rachel agreed.

“Cool. We can go over to my place after glee to practice if you want?”

“Sure,” Rachel agreed again.

“San, I’m going to go to Quinn’s for an hour or so to work on our song.” Brittany explained, as she came to stand next to her girlfriend and Santana could just tell she was pleased Santana had decided to partner with Rachel “I’ll come over to your place afterwards?”

“Sure babe.” Santana agreed.

Mr Schuster dismissed them a few minutes later and they all headed out to their cars, Rachel following behind Santana back to her place.

Pulling into the garage Santana couldn’t help regret her decision in inviting Rachel around when she noticed her mothers car parked in the normally empty bay. Getting out the car she noticed Rachel already having parked and waiting by the door for her.

“My mother’s home.” Santana murmured as she fished out her house keys from her bag.

“Is that a bad thing?” Rachel had picked up on Santana’s irritated tone, realising for the first time that she actually knew very little about Santana’s family and had only been to Santana’s house when it was empty.

Santana didn’t actually bother to reply as she unlocked the front door and led the way into the house. Taking her cue from Santana’s behaviour, Rachel remained silent while Santana tried to sneak to the stairs only to come to a stop as a woman appeared at the top of them. She was tall and Rachel could see where her daughter got her looks from.

“Santana?” Santana’s mother sounded surprised as she descended the stairs. “What are you doing home so early?”

“It’s four o’clock.” Santana replied tartly, consenting to give her mother a peck on the cheek.

“Yes, well I suppose it is. How was your day?”

“Fine, Mami.”

“Fine Mami, Fine Mami.” Santana’s mother mocked irritably “Well fine then, you can’t complain I don’t know what’s going on with you if every time I ask that’s the reply I get.” Santana bit back a retort, knowing it would do no good to goad her mother. “And who is this, or do I not get to know that either?”

“Rachel, she’s my partner for a glee assignment. Rachel, this is my mother, Maria Lopez.” Maria’s eyes flashed momentarily to Santana’s at her emphasis on their surname before going back to the shorter girl before her.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs Lopez.” Rachel said in a charmingly polite voice that made Santana want to break something. “Isn’t Maria also Santana’s middle name?”

“Indeed it is.” Maria confirmed, giving Santana a hard look “So she would remember who she came from.”

Santana didn’t resist rolling her eyes at that. “We have to get to work on our assignment, come on Rachel.”

Quickly pulling Rachel past her mother, Santana led the way up to her room without another word, making sure once they were in the room to shut her door firmly behind them.

It was easily apparent that Santana was pissed as she flung her bag into one corner, and Rachel, not knowing how to help, went to perch on the end of the bed quietly.

“Fuck her.” Santana exclaimed suddenly, causing Rachel to jump “She thinks she’s entitled to know what’s going on in my life while she’s trying to hide half of hers.”

“She was only asking about your day.” Rachel pointed out quietly.

“And why should I give her a truthful answer when she wouldn’t give me the same in return?” Santana replied, not willing to be reasoned with at that moment and too riled to hold in her temper. “She likes to pretend that it’s by my choice that she knows next to nothing of my life, but it’s also her choice not to be around. Do you know I see my mother maybe once a week, if that?”

Rachel shook her head, no.

“Half the nights she’s out, and the one’s she is here for she comes in late and then doesn’t wake up until after I’ve left for the day. And then I come home to this...” Santana paused as she seemed to suddenly realise just how much she was revealing about herself. “Well fuck it. Lets just work on the song, I’m sure you already have plenty of idea’s.”

Taking the hint, Rachel immediately launched into a monologue discussing which songs would be suited to both their vocal ranges.

They were interrupted a while later when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

“Santana?” Maria poked her head in, cutting both girls off mid-song. “Goodness, you two are going to give me a headache will all that singing. You have a visitor.” Maria’s disapproval was apparent as she stepped aside to admit Brittany.

Santana was about to reclose her door when her mother put her hand on the door to stop her. “I think it would be more appropriate if you kept the door open.” She suggested quietly to her daughter.

“The same could be said for you.” Santana replied, quiet enough to give the show of privacy, although both Brittany and Rachel could hear what was being said.

“You might learn a little more respect. I am still your mother.”

“Respect?” Santana spat the word back challengingly. Santana’s mother pursed her lips and, glanced past Santana to her friends before replying.

“We’ll discuss this later”

Santana just scoffed and moved to shut the door again, and this time Maria made no move to stop her. Turning back around to the room, Santana leant against the door. Brittany stepped forward to wrap her arms around Santana who tiredly leant her head on the blonds shoulder.

“Where does she get off trying to be all parental?”

“San, you don’t have to agree with all her choices but she is your mother.” Brittany replied gently.

“Oh, I know. She was telling Rachel all about how she gave me her name, earlier.” Brittany turned to glance over her shoulder at Rachel who was watching them uncomfortably from the bed, both burning with curiosity about all they were obviously leaving unsaid and worrying she was intruding. “Can we just not talk about her right now?”

“Do you want to watch a movie?” Brittany suggested and Santana nodded gratefully as they broke apart.

“I suppose I should get going.” Rachel mumbled, only to be surprised when Santana stopped her.

“Stay, if you want.”

Rachel self consciously settled back into her seat, leaning against the head board while Santana joined her, sitting a few inches apart. Brittany quickly set up the DVD player and moved to cuddle against Santana’s other side.

They stayed that way for the duration of the movie, Santana slowly relaxing as she got comfortable leaning against Brittany while Rachel sat a few inches away, wishing she could cuddle with the others.


The credits were just beginning to roll when Maria entered the room without knocking.

“It’s late and I’m sure your friends have to get home.” Maria announced, disapproval written clearly on her face as she took in the way Brittany and Santana were sitting. Brittany quickly retracted her arms from Santana’s waist and shifted to put some space between them.

Santana scowled but when Brittany glanced to her questioningly she nodded for them to leave, knowing the conversation to come would not be pleasant.

Brittany silently rose and collected her bag, Rachel following her lead.

“It was nice to see you again Mrs Lopez.” Brittany offered demurely and Mrs Lopez nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes not leaving her daughters.

Sighing as the door closed and she was left alone with her mother, Santana sat up into a more comfortable position.

“So, what do you want to say?”


The Pierces weren’t exactly surprised when Santana arrived at their house an hour later, Brittany having already warned them it was a possibility when she got home. Santana was immediately enveloped into a familiar hug when Mrs Pierce opened the door.

“Bad day huh?” she asked without releasing the girl who she viewed as practically a third daughter.

Santana shrugged, pushing back all the emotions that threatened to overflow and taking small comfort from the lack of judgment in Mrs Pierces voice. She knew that the woman wasn’t aware of what exactly the situation was, but Mrs Pierce had always there to provide a hug and kind word when it was most needed. Still, Mrs Pierce wasn’t who she needed desperately to see.

Spotting the tall blond dancer waiting for her by the stairs as she was ushered into the house Santana practically fled into the safety of Brittany’s arms, burying her face in the crook of her neck and inhaling the scent that was completely Brittany.

It was a sign of how upset Santana really was that she didn’t even notice that they were not alone in the entrance way; because though she was close to the Pierces and knew they were not the type to disapprove of PDA’s, Santana still preferred to keep such scenes private.

As Santana calmed slightly in Brittany’s arms, Brittany glanced over her shoulder to her parents and a silent understanding flowed between them before Brittany began to coax Santana into coming with her upstairs to her bedroom.

“Oh fan-fucking-tastic.”Santana exclaimed as they entered the room to find Quinn and Rachel sitting comfortably on Brittany’s bed, both stopping mid conversation at the new arrival. For an actress, Santana couldn’t help noting mentally, Rachel was not very good at hiding her surprise when she saw the obvious state Santana was in. Santana turned immediately to leave again, not in the mood for company when all she really wanted to do is curl up with Brittany and forget what had transpired the last few hours, but her exit was blocked by Brittany who had entered the room behind her and shut the door, leaning against it for good measure. Brittany knew better than to let Santana leave in the state she was in, knowing that with Quinn, Rachel and her here the only other place Santana would go was to Puck or some other guy in an attempt to forget, and Santana would only regret that later. Also, on a more selfish note, Brittany did not want to deal with the pain it would cause her if Santana were to sleep with someone else now when while they had never been officially exclusive, after they had mutually stopped fucking around with random people it had been an unspoken agreement that they wouldn’t start again.

Santana eyed Brittany carefully, but could tell Brittany wasn’t going to budge and if she insisted on going there would be fall out, fall out that Santana was in no state to deal with alongside everything else.

Santana fought off tears valiantly for a few more moments, trying to avoid Brittany’s understanding and compassionate gaze but was finally unable to resist any more and practically collapsed into Brittany’s arms. Brittany only held her tighter and murmured soft declarations of love as she felt the wetness on her shoulder.

“It’s just not fair.” Santana mumbled through tears.

“I know, honey, I know.”

Rachel and Quinn watched in silence as Santana practically broke down in Brittany’s arms, neither knowing what was the cause of this sudden change in Santana, nor what they could do to help and both wondering if they should leave and give the girls their privacy but Brittany blocking the door made it impossible.

After a couple of minutes Brittany gently coaxed Santana towards the bed, shaking her head at the others as they made to get up, indicating that they should stay put.

Santana tried to speak as they sat on the edge of the bed but Brittany shushed her. “Lets just take a nap and relax, you can tell me about it later.” Brittany murmured, not wanting Santana to get more upset by talking about things before she had completely calmed down. Santana nodded her consent to the plan without protest.
“Rachel, can you go into the bathroom, take the white wash cloth that’s by the sink, dampen it and bring it here?” Brittany requested softly and Rachel was only too glad to have something to do. “Quinn, grab me some tracksuit pants?” Brittany nodded towards a chest of draws, meanwhile unclasping Santana’s bra through her clothes and helping her slide the item out from under her top.

“I can do it B,” Santana muttered with a watery chuckle as Brittany sunk to her knees next to her and began unbuttoning her pants.

“I know.” Brittany replied, continuing on with her task, both feeling completely comfortable with Quinns presence since they had changed in front of her many times over the course of their friendship, Santana’s top was one of those extra long ones so it covered everything anyway.

That still did not stop Quinn from flushing slightly because there was something intimate about watching Brittany undress Santana in this way.

Rachel returned with the washcloth just as Brittany pulled off Santana’s jeans, Santana glanced at her as she entered but without much recognition, her head full with other thoughts. Rachel remained by the door until Brittany had helped Santana into the slacks Quinn had handed her and risen off the floor.

Stepping forward, Rachel surprised even herself when rather than offering the cloth to Santana she knelt before the latina and held it up, waiting for permission and after a tense second Santana softened slightly and Rachel gratefully began to wipe away the tear tracks on Santana’s cheeks.

“I’m not going to bite her you know.” Santana added tiredly to both of the others when she noticed them watching her cautiously.

Brittany smiled ruefully at being caught out, surprised Santana had allowed Rachel this liberty. Rachel finished her task and stood up again. Flicking off all but the bedside light, and climbing onto the bed, Brittany, who was already in a comfortable tracksuit since she had been lazing about her house before Santana arrived, beckoned Santana to her and her girlfriend gratefully moved to her side.

Once they were settled Brittany sent Quinn and Rachel a look that clearly asked what they were waiting for and after a momentary hesitance Rachel went to lay beside Santana and Quinn, the least comfortable with shows of physical affection, self consciously crawled on beside Brittany, glad the other blond was curled into Santana and not facing her.

Santana was already half asleep as she felt the bed dip behind her but her brain wasn’t working fast enough to work out why this was unusual, nor could she find the effort to say anything. Brittany, Rachel and Quinn, who were on the other hand wide awake all just lay in silence.

“You’re thinking rather loudly Quinn” Brittany murmured in a hushed tone after a few moments, exchanging an amused smile with Rachel over Santana’s head. Quinn let out a quiet sigh; she couldn’t help it, her brain was shouting at her that she shouldn’t be there, that she shouldn’t be comfortable with this and Brittany and Santana no doubt want their privacy, though she couldn’t quite bring herself to get up. Careful not to jostle Santana too much, Brittany reached back to take Quinns hand, drawing it forward to drape over her waist, a silent reassurance. Quinn felt her mind quieted somewhat.

Brittany and Santana had this habit of never letting anyone get too close, or at least that was how it seemed to Rachel and while open about some things there were other, deeper aspects of their relationship that they weren’t willing to show more than the barest hints of to others. She supposed that it was natural for couples, especially ones with as much history as Brittany and Santana, to have some things they kept to themselves, but she couldn’t help want to know what those private things were, and, a small, unacknowledged part of her longed to be a part of it. So Rachel was secretly glad that Brittany, and by default Santana, had allowed her to stay and get to see this vulnerable side of Santana that was normally hidden behind numerous walls. She couldn’t help feel special to be a part of something that they normally kept hidden from everyone but each other and whilst she hoped this trend would only continue in future, right then she just wanted to focus on the present.

Brittany’s thoughts for the most part were more concerned with Santana than anything else at that moment, knowing Santana’s mother’s words could get to her more than anyone elses could. After the first couple of minutes she practically forgot the others were there, completely comfortable in their presence as she considered the best way to help her girlfriend.


AN2: Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Review and let me know!

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

brittana, glee, friendship: quinn/santana/brittany/rache, learning lessons verse, santana/brittany

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