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My thoughts on who should be topping ext_538261 May 3 2011, 12:12:23 UTC
Hi Stargirl;

I know I tend to lean a little toward things being more D/s than D/D simply because I feel the girls relationships would tend in that direction regardless.

I think even though the girls may switch I think Brittany and Santana work best when Brittany tends to be the top in the relationship and Santana the bottom. And for Faberry I think Quinn would tend to be top and Rachel tend to bottom. That is just my feelings based on the girls personalities.

Particularly for Santana and Brittany, I would love it if you portray it that Santana actually doesn't like taking the top role with Brittany very much. If you write another installment where Santana has to punish Brittany it would be interesting if you portrayed how reluctant she is in that role and how much she actually prefers that Brittany be in charge in their relationship.

I guess it comes a lot from the TV show itself and a lot of analysis that people have been doing on tumblr lately on how Santana tends to put Brittany first whenever she faces her true feelings for Brittany. For all of Brittany's apparent ditziness it really comes across that Santana will pretty much do almost anything Brittany asks her to do.

That's just a thought I have about the directions of things. I do think that in Faberitana that Santana would be less willing to always play bottom for Quinn and Rachel. For Brittany she will tend to bottom, for the other girls she would definitely be more of a switch.

I guess I just picture Brittany and Santana as having a slightly more D/s relationship than D/D switch, in that they would just tend naturally toward Brittany being a top and Santana being a bottom just because Santana loves Brittany so intensely that she tends to put Brittany's feelings ahead of her own. Just like Santana is an intense and passionate girl, she is intense in her anger and also very intense in her love. I think we are going to see a bit of that tonight on Glee when she sings Songbird for Brittany which is a song about putting your love's (Brittany's) happiness ahead of your (Santana) own.


Re: My thoughts on who should be topping stargirl888 May 4 2011, 09:09:15 UTC
Thanks for letting me know your thoughts and suggestions. As I said in my message I generally agree with your views on Brittany being the more dominant partner etc. but, in my verse, I dont want to go so far as to classify it as a D/s relationship, Though that could just be because of how I see the term - classifying a relationship as d/s just takes my mind to kinky places... lol, jk, but seriously, my first reason for not classifying them as being in a D/s relationship is because that's what most people will assume and I dont want there to be sexual overtones to the reasons for their dynamic. However, given your explanation I'm fairly certain that's not how you intend the term and if we simply say that any form of general imbalance of equality between partners is a D/s relationship, then I guess theirs is, but since most relationships are not classified as D/s despite there not being a 100% equal partnership and generally one parter being the sightly more dominant than the other I dont want to apply it to Santana and Brittany on that basis. (Feel free to argue though - I don't mind). On the other hand I do feel Quinn and Rachel have a D/s relationship because Quinn is constantly the top in every aspect of their relationship.

If Santana has to top Brittnay again at some point, I'll definietly try to examine her reluctance more, possibly even work it in to when I do the chapter looking at how the switching relationship began.

For Faberrittana, I've put a lot of thought into the dynamic that I want between the girls and I dont plan to make it a case of everyone switching about because I dont think it'll be realistic - Santana will probably only ever submit to Brittany and I don't think I could put Rachel in a top role either because I just can't picture her topping any of the girls - not in the DD aspect anyway, maybe in the bedroom though ;) I don't think I'm going to put Brittnay in a bottom role generally because I feel, at least in this verse, she has quite a strong personality - I think that the only time that may happen is if she does something really unacceptable.

Thanks for letting me know your thoughts :D


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