I thought my icon was hot, but let's face it, Sam outdid himself in this picture he took. I. Am. Hawt.
Sam and I are "special" kids. Or just really scary-looking.
The only decent one in the bunch. Me and my history teacher (and soon to be father-in-law once I marry into the family through his son whose teaches economics at my school and isn't really all that attractive but is hot in his own way) Mr. Madnikoff.
Creative Knights was tonight. Tania and I kicked ass.
I'm going to Swarthmore this weekend. I'm cool.
I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Excuse to miss school. Not that I need one.
I need to be more discreet when it comes to boys. But I'm Ashley. That might not work.
All in all, school sucks, people are weird, and life is good.
And now, I end this post with a limerick for a math contest at our school, written by the hottest Jew I know, Jacob Dacks:
There once was a group called MAO
They got popular somehow
They created the FAMAT
And that was that
Look where they are now!