Some thoughts on LA X Part 1 and 2
LOST IS BACK! And now we seem to have an alternate timeline which is...something.
Stuff I liked
-Seeing Desmond on the plane! I guess that because the island wasn't there when he went on his boat race so he never crashed! Still a suprise though and where did he go?
-The shot of the statue's foot underwater was awesome.
-Fake Locke/Man in Black is the smoke monster! I always love when the smoke monster appears, especially last night when he knocked Bram out of his circle of ash so he could kill him. Haha smokey very sneaky!
-"Your the monster?" "Let's not resort to name calling"
-Fake Locke (Flocke?) telling Ben that Locke's last thought was "I don't understand" :( WORST LIFE EVER.
-Basically all Flocke scenes.
-The last scene of the first episode when they were all getting off the plane. I can't wait to have that music, it was beautiful.
-I don't like Kate but I do like her managing to escape all time, being all badass.
-Jack and Locke's scene at the airport was quite sweet.
-Cindy and the kids!
-Sayid coming back to life! (Maybe now as Jacob?)
-Richard being handsome a.k.a all scenes with Richard in
Stuff I didn't like
- I don't know if I'm a fan of this alternate timeline stuff :/ It's cool to see Charlie, Boone etc but do we really need it so close to the end?
-Not sure on these temple Others.
Random stuff: If the original timeline, where they're still on the island, what happened to cause Kate to land in a tree and for them to land back in the present? The bomb obviously didn't go off in that timline so I'm confused over that. But now that they're all in the present we should get a Jin/Sun reunion soon :D
I read that perhaps Jacob knew he was going to die as in the S5 finale he went to Ilana for a help in a flashback and she was the one who brought Sayid back to the island. Then he told Hurley that it was very important to save Sayid so hmm..
And now for funny macros I found on ONTD
Ok sorry for rambling lol I might do these every week :)