this is IT.

Mar 11, 2009 01:09

I've found the hairstyle I want for my BFA show! Well, I've imagined it in my head to be this retro pin up look and I happened to find it best on Katherine Heigl.

And there you have it! Something along those lines... And I am determined to find the perfect dress to go with this occasion and I'll be happy! It's hard to explain, but I need to look mature and HOT at the same time. Like hot enough to have boys' pants drop and girls to give me dirty looks. :]

In other news, this week is my spring break! Whoo! And no I am not doing anything bc a. I have no dinero to spend on such things, and b. I have too much school work to do! I got to visit Benny over the weekend and this weekend I'm going home also, so that'll be good enough. I haven't been to Rutland since...the end of January! What the eff. It was good to see the Brierres though, and I had fun as always. We went to eat at a place called The Garlic in Killington one night and oh-em-gee it was delicious. Seriously, it's one of my favorites now. Only I had to be absent minded and left my ID in Ben's hiking bag so we couldn't get wine. :( But we ordered from the tappas menu and oh boy, everything we got was so good! And you know I lo-ooO-ovV-veeee garlic, so going to a restaurant called The Garlic was just heaven.

But urgh, back to my real life right and I need to buckle down and do some real work in the morning.

...After Lauren and I go check out Salvation Army. (>.<)

Meeeee. And the beautiful background.

Us. :)

At the top.

This is two days before Benny got a haircuttttttt.

Me on the swinging bridge, somewhere in the middle of the woods.

Oh, Benjamin.

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