stole this from this_sad_smile... i don't feel like updating so i'll do this instead eh

Feb 01, 2004 21:45

and you cant fight .... the moment of truth in your lies

// series one - the good stuff

-- Name: Danielle
-- Birthdate: august 5th
-- Birthplace: st pete FL
-- Current Location: st pete FL
-- Eye Color: blue
-- Hair Color: i already answered all this
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: leo
-- Innie or Outtie: innie

// series two - describe

-- Your heritage: scot irish, german, and alot of other stuff but i dont really know
-- shoes wore today: sandals
-- Your hair: light brown/blonde, a couple inches past my shoulders and layered
-- Your eyes: blue
-- Your weakness?: food
-- Your fears: waking up to a face at my window that's not mine
-- Your perfect pizza: supreme minus the mushrooms
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: reading gone with the wind before i die, im only on page 253 hahaha

// series three - what is

-- Your most overused phrase on aol: lol,idk
-- Your thoughts first waking up: so it's sunday again.. haha
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile and teeth and body structure
-- The best Name for a Butler: Manuello
-- Your best physical feature: eh, eyes? idk
-- Your bedtime: whenever i feel tired
-- Your greatest accomplishment: i dont really know
-- Your most missed memory: back in the day before i ever went to school and we had the huge scout and i had the most fun

// series four - you prefer

-- Pepsi or coke: it does not matter
-- McDonald's or Burger King: chic-fil-a or wendy's
-- Single or group dates: usually single, but group can be fun, and it depends on the guy
-- Adidas or nike: nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: LEMON NESTEA
-- Chocolate or vanilla: both
-- Cappucino or coffee: coffee
-- Boxers or briefs: ?

// series five - do you

-- Smoke: no, i NEVER will smoke, smoking KILLS
-- Cuss: eh
-- Sing well: ha
-- Take a shower everyday: yeah
-- Have a crush(es): no
-- who are they: x
-- think you've been in love: no
-- Want to go to college: yeah
-- Like high school: outside of school yes
-- Want to get married: yes
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys: no
-- Believe in yourself: hm
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: depends how i look that day
-- Think you're a health freak: hahaha
-- Get along with your parents: no
-- Like thunderstorms: yes
-- Play an instrument: piano, not to much anymore though

// series six - in the past month, did/have you

-- Drank alcohol: no
-- Smoke(d): nope
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Gone to the mall?: yeah
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: don't like oreos
-- Eaten sushi: nope
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: nope
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: yeah
-- Been in love: no
-- Gone skinny dipping: its FREEZING out side, i wouldnt toture myself
-- Dyed your hair: i wish
-- Stolen anything:

// series seven - have you ever

-- Been caught "doing something": dont think so
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: it's not my fault the store charged 10 freaking bucks for a cheap little lipgloss, they had it coming.
-- If so, did you get caught: obviously not
-- Changed who you were to fit in: see at my school no one really fits in and i already have friends outside lol so no

// series eight - the future

-- Age you hope to be married: 22 - 25
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2/3 girl~ Nicole Crystal ____, Victoria Jade ____, Ruth Naomi ____ boy~ Kevin Zachary ____, Michael Christian ____
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: dont ask me that
-- How do you want to die: quickly, i mean not like in the near future quickly but when it happens have it happen fast
-- Where you want to go to college: idk
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: the best mom to my kids and i dont know career wise

// series nine - opposite sex

-- Best eye color? blue, havent dated one with yet though
-- Best hair color? usually brown but it doesnt really matter
-- Short or long hair? depends
-- Best height: 5'8 ish
-- Best articles of clothing: collared button up shirts
-- Best first date location: doesn't matter
-- Best first kiss location: under the stars
-- Best quality in relationships: friendship and trust
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