Trouble in Doggyland

Apr 13, 2009 06:29

At some point during the weekend, the dog left the room with half her breakfast still in the bowl-- not unusual. What *was* unusual was that the towel I'd left rolled beside her bowl-- the one I keep on hand to wipe muddy doggy feet-- was flopped half over the bowl.

"Huh," thought I, "how'd she manage to do that? No wonder she's not eating, with a towel in her bowl." I removed the towel, called her back in, and she ate some more. (Then she barfed, but that's not really relevant to this story.)

Anyway, this morning, I put down her bowl of breakfast, called her over, and dropped in a few Cheerios to get her interested (honestly, the lengths we go to sometimes). She dug in, but after a couple of minutes and stopped chomping. When I looked over, what was she doing?

DRAPING THE TOWEL OVER HER DISH with a clumsy paw. The dog was trying to bury her breakfast. I've seen her hide rawhide strips under couch cushions before, but this was a new one.

In any case, I removed the towel and brought her bowl over beside the computer and me. She started eating again. I guess sometimes she just doesn't like to eat alone. (And hopefully today she'll skip the barfing.)
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