I'm at work and picked up my Staff Institute Day invitation with my pay stub. It reads, among other things:
Dress for the day is business casual; please do not wear jeans, denim or gym wear.
At first I thought, "Hey, that's funny. Why do they bother differentiating denim from jeans? What's wrong with a nice denim shirt or skirt?"
Then I thought, "Hey, is this in response to my outfit last year, when they didn't specify 'business casual' and I wore my DIY cut-off jean skirt and
'Not a Robot' shirt?"
I have mixed feelings if that's the case. On the one hand, it's pretty cool to be a change agent. Like, the administration cared enough about my appearance to make sure nobody dresses that way again? Such power!
On the other hand, "business casual" is what I have to wear every other freakin' day of the year. What's the point of a day away from the public if I can't wear my 'Not a Robot' shirt?
(Incidentally... speaking of dress code... I thought long and hard about breaking it this morning by wearing jeans. After four months of wearing the same slacks and sweaters, I am SICK of it! Knowing there are four months to go before summer doesn't help, either. I compromised by wearing my non-denim Old Navy pants, a black long-sleeved Old Navy t-shirt, and
cleversticks' short-sleeved Old Navy plaid over it. I am quite the walking advertisement for Old Navy.
It doesn't help that whenever I stretch the dress code my supervisor invariably compliments my outfit. Chuck Taylors? "Cute!" Ugly polyester paisley shirt? "Cute!" DIY cut-off jean skirt and 'Not a Robot' shirt? "Cute!" Would that the uber-boss felt likewise...)